Taikang Life Insurance signed a strategic partnership with Peking University School of Economics


On March 24, Taikang Life Insurance and the School of Economics of Peking University signed a strategic cooperation agreement to jointly launch the “Lingtai Plan”. The two parties will expand cooperation in four areas including talent training, talent recruitment, academic activities and research projects.

The signing ceremony was held at Peking University. Cheng Kangping, Executive Vice President of Taikang Insurance Group and President of Taikang Life Insurance, and Cui Jianhua, Secretary of the Party Committee of Peking University School of Economics, attended the signing ceremony. This signing is an important measure for school-enterprise cooperation to explore the path of industry transformation under the background of high-quality development of the insurance industry.

Taikang Life highly recognizes the century-old cultural heritage of Peking University and the outstanding academic status of Peking University School of Economics, and the two parties have a long history of cooperation. Since 2011 when it donated to the Peking University Education Foundation to set up a special education fund, Taikang Life Insurance and Peking University have continued to promote talent training and theoretical innovation through ideological collisions and practical exchanges. In 2021, Taikang Life Insurance will explore cooperation with Peking University to create customized training for high-performance teams of “Qingbei Youyue”, which will become an important part of the exclusive training system for Health and Wealth Planners (HWP).

The signing parties will expand the cooperation to the following four aspects:

In terms of talent training, Taikang Life relies on the financial and insurance discipline strength and resource integration ability of Peking University School of Economics to build leading talents in the insurance industry. The two parties jointly designed training courses, focusing on differentiated content setting, close to the needs of business practice, expanding multidisciplinary perspectives, and improving the professional capabilities and management skills of cadres, employees and sales teams. Participate in a wide range of marketing channels, including health and wealth planners (HWP), individual insurance executives and supervisors, bank insurance account managers, and bank wealth management managers. During the training period, the two sides explored various forms of public welfare activities to fulfill their social responsibilities.

In terms of talent recruitment, Taikang Life Insurance will accept Peking University students for internships and practical activities to meet students’ internship and employment needs. For outstanding graduates, Taikang Life Insurance will implement employment according to their professional background and connect with the company’s “Thousand Talents Plan”. In addition, they will jointly explore the construction of a talent training base for Peking University School of Economics.

In terms of academic activities, the two sides will jointly plan activities and course plans. In the future, they will also launch forums on macro strategy, wealth management, medical care and health, so that customers can experience the century-old academic atmosphere and cultural heritage of Peking University.

In the field of subject research, the two parties intend to establish an annual cooperative relationship, focusing on cooperative research on trends in the insurance industry, high-performance transformation, medical care and health, and jointly releasing annual reports to promote theoretical innovation and exploration in the age of longevity.

The signing of this strategic framework agreement between Taikang Life Insurance and the School of Economics of Peking University will surely inject new impetus into the high-quality development of Taikang Life Insurance and create a new model of school-enterprise cooperation model for the insurance industry.


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