Will suffering from chronic liver disease affect sleep?


Patients often ask the doctor: “Doctor, I have not slept well recently, is it because of liver disease?” After carefully reading the patient’s examination report and asking about the patient’s condition, the doctor found that in most cases, the liver function tests of these patients were normal. The disease is under stable control, and the patient’s sleep problems are related to the anxiety caused by excessive worry about his disease and health.

Sleep disorders are very common in life. Everyone may experience long or short sleep disorders at different times and stages, or can’t fall asleep, or wake up early. In severe cases, it will affect normal life and even cause serious psychological problems. .

There are many causes of sleep disturbances. In patients with chronic liver disease, if disease activity progresses, liver function becomes significantly abnormal, leading to significant physical discomfort. For example, in the stage of chronic active hepatitis, there will be discomfort symptoms such as fatigue and nausea, which may affect sleep; if the disease develops to the stage of advanced liver cirrhosis and liver cancer, there will be discomfort such as fatigue, massive ascites, dyspnea, and obvious pain in the lesion Symptoms can also cause sleep disturbances.

Most of the time, it is not the sleep disorder caused by the disease itself, but our cognition causes psychological problems, which in turn cause sleep disorders.

Common symptoms of psychological problems include anxiety and depression. Everyone has experienced anxiety or depression to varying degrees at some stage in their lives, which is equivalent to our psychological “cold”. At this time, you may need the company of your family and the comfort of your friends, but the most important thing is that you need to work hard to enhance your understanding of the disease, change your cognition, adjust your mentality, and improve your psychological endurance. In addition, in the state of obvious anxiety and depression, there is no need to be afraid and deliberately avoid this emotional state, allow its existence, accept it, and let the emotion flow naturally in the body, so that it will disappear automatically after a period of time Without a trace.

If the psychological problem is serious enough to affect normal work and life, it is recommended to seek help from a professional psychologist, and if necessary, some supplementary drugs may be needed to help yourself. Some large hospitals also set up special sleep clinics, and you can go to see a doctor when you need it.

In addition to the disease itself, there are many factors that lead to sleep disorders, such as work pressure, family conflicts, and interpersonal tension. There are also some biological (age, hunger, menopause, etc.), environmental (bright light, noise, etc.), medications (thyroxine, glucocorticoids, etc.), behavioral (coffee, strong tea, alcohol, etc.) and certain personality traits (Pursuit of perfection, sensitivity, etc.) and other factors may also trigger sleep disorders.

It can be seen that sleep disorders are very common and have various causes. The causes of sleep disorders at different stages of life may also be different. It is necessary to analyze the specific reasons and treat them specifically. Removing the incentives is the most fundamental relief method.

For patients with chronic liver disease, when the disease is under stable control, they should have regular checkups, take medicines on time, pay attention to it but don’t be afraid of it, live like normal people, and never treat themselves as patients psychologically. In addition, it is important to maintain a healthy, positive and optimistic attitude.

This article was scientifically checked by Wang Fang, chief physician of the Second Department of Liver Diseases, Shenzhen Third People’s Hospital.


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