Fulfilling the responsibilities of financial institutions to improve the quality and efficiency of customer service—Everbright Bank Tianjin Branch earnestly protects the rights and interests of consumers


“I often go to your bank to handle financial business, and every time I get a warm reception from manager Zhao Jin. Manager Zhao Jin patiently and meticulously answers questions I don’t understand, which makes me feel very warm.” “Comrade Li Ran is serious and responsible in his work , patiently answer customer questions, serve with a smile, and help customers understand financial common sense.” The customer Mr. Zhao is an old customer of Everbright Bank Weidi Road Sub-branch. Guided Mr. Zhao to use mobile banking to handle business. What was different from the past was that after the business was completed, Mr. Zhao took out two letters from his schoolbag and handed them to Zhao Jin. When he opened them, they turned out to be letters of commendation to the branch staff. This is a small microcosm of Everbright Bank Tianjin Branch serving customers. Tianjin Branch has been adhering to the “customer-centric” service concept since its establishment. While providing customers with high-quality and efficient financial services, it actively assumes the main responsibility of financial knowledge education and publicity , Conveying Everbright Bank’s service concept of “sunshine consumer protection? more colors and more warmth”.

Doing a good job in protecting consumers’ rights and interests is not only based on the bank’s lobby. Everbright Bank Tianjin Branch regularly organizes “popularizing financial knowledge and keeping the ‘money bag'”, “popularizing financial knowledge for thousands of miles”, “preventing telecommunications and network fraud” and “preventing illegal fund-raising risks” ” and other activities, by entering communities and enterprises, public welfare publicity is carried out for financial consumers, the level of financial knowledge of the public is improved, and the legitimate rights and interests of financial consumers are effectively protected.

Tianjin Branch of China Everbright Bank has continuously innovated financial knowledge publicity methods, using videos, animations and other forms that are more popular with consumers to “tell risks with cases”, and promote them online and offline. Tianjin Branch of China Everbright Bank launched an original video work “Liar’s “Opening Statement”: Telecommunication Fraud Routine” and “Being a New Generation of Rational Consumption” were adopted and promoted by the WeChat public account of Tianjin Branch of the People’s Bank of China, and adopted and promoted by the Tianjin Illegal Fund-raising Reporting Center publicity.

This year, as the first year of the full liberalization of the epidemic, the domestic new crown pneumonia epidemic has been effectively controlled, and the new economic situation has undergone further changes and adjustments. The national consumption capacity is generally recovering, and economic development has recovered in response. With the continuous changes in consumer spending habits, credit cards have gradually become one of the necessary payment and settlement tools in daily life. Everbright Bank Tianjin Branch is also maintaining the information security of credit cardholders, personal rights and credit protection, etc., and continuously improves service quality and efficiency through technological empowerment. Provide the authenticity of materials for verification to ensure that the legitimate rights and interests of consumers are not infringed. At the same time, as a central financial enterprise, China Everbright Bank, on the premise of sufficient facts in accordance with laws and regulations, and in line with the purpose of “customer-centric” and customer service, applied for fee reductions and exemptions for some credit card customers with actual difficulties. Customers who are affected by the epidemic and quarantined, or who have no source of income and are unable to repay the loan, apply for non-malicious overdue credit repair, etc.

The protection of consumer rights and interests is a direct reflection of the political and people-oriented nature of financial work. Tianjin Branch of China Everbright Bank will always adhere to “finance for the people”, guided by the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, focus on the financial needs of new citizen groups, optimize and innovate the financial knowledge education and publicity model, and effectively improve consumers’ sense of gain and happiness sense and security.


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