Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Zhongguancun Management Committee Zhongguancun High-tech Industry Promotion Center Research Service Sensory Data


On the afternoon of March 3, 2023, Xu Jian, director of the Zhongguancun High-tech Industry Promotion Center, a public institution directly under the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission and the Zhongguancun Management Committee, and his team came to Sensors Data to conduct research on “unicorns”. Sang Wenfeng, founder and CEO of Sensors Data, introduced the development and business status of Sensors Data.

As a domestic professional big data analysis and marketing technology service provider and a national high-tech enterprise, Sensors Data provides companies with three product solutions: Sensors Analysis Cloud, Sensors Marketing Cloud, and Sensors Data Basic Platform, and is based on big data And the technology and cutting-edge practice of user behavior analysis, put forward the SDAF data closed-loop methodology based on data flow, that is, Sense perception, Decision decision-making, Action action, Feedback feedback, and is committed to creating a data closed-loop for more enterprise customers. At present, Sensors Data has served more than 2,000 enterprises in more than 30 industries represented by the Internet, brand retail, finance, converged media, enterprise services, high-tech, automobiles, and Internet+, and can support multiple functional departments of enterprises.

Since its establishment, Sensors Data has been recognized and affirmed by the government many times: it was approved to become the Beijing Enterprise Technology Center; it was approved to establish the Beijing Enterprise Science and Technology Association; enterprise……

Director Xu Jian gave a detailed introduction to Beijing’s service mechanism and policy measures for “unicorn” enterprises, hoping to serve Sensorise Data’s core technological innovations in data intelligent decision-making such as data collection, data analysis, and automated marketing, and continue to empower enterprises to grow and develop. Contribute to the construction of the capital’s international science and technology innovation center and the construction of a digital economy benchmark city.

In the future, Sensors Data will focus on the vision of “helping 30 million enterprises in China restructure their data foundations and realize digital operations”, continuously deepen product capabilities and key customer management service systems, and continue to be firmly at the forefront of the wave of digital China. Efforts will be made to promote digital innovation and development, and join hands with more digital enterprises and institutions to help the construction of digital China.


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