Yadea’s “Smart Manufacturing in China” shines in the world, helping the brand’s global layout


China is the world’s largest manufacturing country. In the years of development, Chinese enterprises have followed the development of the times, firmly followed the pace of “globalization”, and gradually moved from “Made in China” to “Made in China”. In the process, many excellent brands with profound strength and promising prospects were born. Yadea, as one of the business cards of China’s intelligent manufacturing to the world, always adheres to the original mission of “letting hundreds of millions of people enjoy beautiful travel”, relies on innovation and technology, and becomes the industry leader with ingenuity and quality.

Manufacturing is the foundation of the real economy, the foundation of a strong country and the foundation of a country. The intelligentization of the manufacturing industry is a must-solve problem for my country’s economy from “Made in China” to “Made in China”, and it is a key move to promote industrial transformation and realize a quality power. With the support of independent core technology, Yadea has continuously promoted the quality and efficiency of the two-wheel electric vehicle industry chain through technological innovation, management optimization, digital transformation and other actions, so as to participate in international competition at a higher level.

In the production link, Yadea took the lead in introducing the TPS lean production system in the industry, adopting automation + digital dual-drive intelligent manufacturing, the process equipment has reached the leading level in the industry, and some parts have reached the automotive-grade and aviation-grade process standards. In addition, Yadea controls product quality through the whole link, and raises the industry’s quality standard with its sophisticated integrated product development process, intelligent dual-drive intelligent manufacturing, and precision testing higher than national standards.

Based on excellent quality and full-category product layout, Yadea’s global layout continues to accelerate, and the “going out” strategy has achieved gratifying results. Yadea’s electric vehicles are exported to 100 countries and regions around the world, with more than 70 million users worldwide. At the beginning of 2023, Yadea brought its latest high-performance electric motorcycle products to the 2023 CES, and presented another shining report card of “Made in China” under the witness of media all over the world. Behind the successive “breaking circles” in the global market is Yadea’s dedication and persistence in technological innovation and intelligent manufacturing. High-end services and strategic layout export China’s green travel solutions to the world.

In years of development, Yadea electric vehicles have taken root in overseas markets and completed the qualitative change from “explorer” to “leader”. In the future, Yadea will also accelerate its globalization layout, and let the slogan of intelligent manufacturing in China resound all over the world.


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