Adhere to service as the core public investment advisory to help investors through the bull-bear cycle


Service is the details, and good service means winning the market. For formal securities investment consulting service providers, customer experience is extremely important. If they want to follow the path of sustainable development, they must have excellent professional ability and keep up with the service. As a pioneer in the securities investment advisory industry, People Investment Advisory has accumulated multiple core advantages over the years since its establishment, and has won the trust and favor of investors with its professional service capabilities and caring and responsible service attitude.

Tracing back the development history of Public Investment Advisory, we can clearly see the steady development history of Public Investment Advisory: Public Investment Advisory was established in 1995 and obtained a securities and futures business license in 1998. It is the first enterprise in China to explore the stock consulting market one. Relying on the strength of years of development, People Investment Advisory has established a complete set of product system and service system structure, and has grown into a big data center, investment research center, customer service center and compliance risk control management center with independent intellectual property rights. A comprehensive, cross-media investment consulting and financial information service organization.

Create value with professionalism——Professionalism is the foundation of the securities investment advisory industry. Since its establishment, People’s Investment Advisory has continued to improve its investment management capabilities, and has built a strong and experienced professional team and a team of famous teachers. In terms of staffing for the investment advisory business, People Advisory has successively established a strong selection team and an event-driven team to cater to the diversified investment styles of investors and lead investors to invest rationally with professional and authoritative investment concepts and investment methods. The consulting business provided strong support. In addition, People’s Investment Advisory also brings together many well-known financial experts in the industry, and has reached in-depth cooperation with many domestic first-line financial columns, including the resident guests of Shenzhen Satellite TV’s “Very Rich” and the special features of China Business News’ “Stock Market Today” Invite guests etc.

Reputation is formed through responsibility—responsibility is the “ballast stone” for the stability and long-term development of the securities investment advisory industry. If there is no sense of responsibility to customers, then the company’s reputation is out of the question. For more than 20 years, People Investment Consulting has always adhered to the core of service and serves customers with heart. From the perspective of Public Investment Consulting, investment consulting is not a simple labor in the role of “salesman”. As a professional investment consulting organization, the investment consulting team must master the professional skills of providing customers with “personalized services”. People’s Investment Consulting demonstrates its professional ability in “customizing” for customers, its professional level in solving “difficult and miscellaneous diseases” for customers, and its professional value in creating value for customers.

No matter in the past, present or future, regardless of whether the market is bullish or bearish, People Investment Advisory will keep its original intention and always be committed to providing investors with trustworthy services.


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