Zhihu’s “Don’t Know Clinic” is officially open, bringing more possibilities for brand business growth


For today’s consumers, a car is no longer just a means of transportation. It can be a secret base where you hide quietly when you don’t want to go upstairs, or it can widen your life radius, take you to see more scenery, and enjoy the speed And the joy of driving. Consumers’ considerations for car purchases have also changed from initially focusing on brand, appearance, and configuration to now paying more attention to word-of-mouth, safety, handling and other more practical experiences.

In Zhihu, the total amount of content in the automotive field has doubled for three consecutive years. According to Zhihu’s in-site data, the brand found that “control fun” is also one of the key points of concern for car fans, and this is also a breakthrough window for a brand to communicate with consumers.

At the moment when the car content track is hot, based on this insight into the trend, Changan Mazda took advantage of the excellent opportunity to launch a new car, focused on “driving fun”, and actively explored the “handling” and “performance” of cars with users. “, gathered a large number of users on Zhihu to discuss together, and made Zhihu an important position for communicating with consumers.

These curious and professional users discuss car-related topics such as “performance”, “handling” and “driving” in Zhihu, which not only extends more real and diverse consumption and usage scenarios, but also brings car brands More new ways of content marketing.

  Build your own content

  Accurate dialogue with user “performance” requirements

As a brand known for its control, Mazda invited professional creators to share their understanding from a professional point of view from the perspective of driving pleasure and control standards when a new car was launched. Professionals from different fields expressed their opinions. Professional interpretation allows consumers to have a deeper understanding of Mazda’s handling and performance advantages.

This topic also helped Mazda quickly form a circle-breaking effect, attracting more users and potential consumers who are interested in car topics to join the discussion, gathering professional creators who know about and users who are interested in cars and brands to “chat” Let’s explore the fun of driving and handling together.

Based on the high degree of discussion under the topic, Mazda created a “Driving Fun Roundtable” on Zhihu, outputting professional content about Mazda’s “handling performance”, and invited professional creators in the automotive field to participate in the discussion, demonstrating Mazda from multiple perspectives Excellent controllability; from sharing control technology, disseminating control concepts, to continuously outputting professional content, providing professional and comprehensive purchasing and consumption suggestions, and accurately attracting a large number of potential consumers.

  “Don’t Know Clinic” opened for business

  Specializes in “manipulation” intractable diseases

In addition to creating a “Driving Fun Roundtable”, Mazda and Zhihu jointly opened an “Unknown Clinic” online to treat difficult and miscellaneous diseases of “control”.

The “Don’t Know Clinic” has three “triage departments”, including “surgery” to explore the manipulation of external manifestations, “internal medicine” to study the basic structure of manipulation, and “psychology” to share the real experience of manipulation.

In the process of “seeing a doctor”, Zhihu invited a variety of creators to participate in the content co-creation. Regarding the advantages of models and handling performance, the “professional respondents” learned from driving evaluation, professional science popularization, car use scenarios, and driving psychology. And so on, the output of professional opinions has been carried out in many aspects, and the advantages of brand and product control have been strengthened. Spread the advantages of Mazda in front of users one by one, and further deepen users’ deep understanding of the brand.

At the same time, quickly build a sense of trust through the identity of a professional respondent, adding professionalism and trust to brand content, achieving a more in-depth and precise impression on users, and promoting users’ trust and consumption decisions.

In the process of co-creation with Changan Mazda, Zhihu helped the brand analyze its advantages in handling and product strength in multiple dimensions and pass them on to consumers.

In response to changes in market and consumer demand, Mazda chose to build a content position to communicate with consumers in Zhihu, and also realized real in-depth communication with users. In this way, the power of the product can be truly transmitted, and at the same time, the content assets of the brand can be deposited. In the future, Zhihu also hopes to help good products reach more users and help brands achieve greater business goals.


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