The first China International (Foshan) Prepared Vegetables Industry Conference opens


On March 3, the first China International (Foshan) Prefabricated Vegetables Industry Conference opened in Foshan. The theme of the conference was “Prefabricated in China, Feasting the World”, exploring new paths for the development of prefabricated vegetables. The conference is sponsored by Guangdong Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and Foshan Municipal People’s Government, and undertaken by Guangdong Agricultural Foreign Economy and Farmer Cooperation Promotion Center, Foshan Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and Foshan Shunde District People’s Government.

Prefabricated dishes are a “kitchen revolution” and an “agricultural revolution” that integrates tertiary industries. It is of great significance to comprehensively promote rural revitalization and accelerate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas. At the opening ceremony, the organizing committee of the conference released six phased results: the “White Paper on the Development of China’s Prefabricated Vegetable Industry in 2022” for industry reference, the first prefabricated vegetable book “Trillions of Prefabricated Vegetables”, and the “Chinese Prefabricated Vegetables” about landmark cuisine Landmark Gourmet Hometown Certification Management Standards and China Landmark Food Product Certification Management Standards, Foshan Eight Prefabricated Vegetables Group Standards on Industry Development, Xunwei Shunde Certification System, Heavy Scientific Research Strength “Guangdong Prefabricated Vegetables Industry in 2023 Top 10 Leading Technological Achievements” and the Hurun Top 100 Prefabricated Vegetables list as the vane of prefabricated dishes.

At the opening ceremony, the awarding ceremony of “Hometown of Chinese Aquatic Prefabricated Vegetables” and “Guangdong Prefabricated Vegetables Exporting to Sea Industry Alliance” was held, and three major initiatives were launched, namely the food quality and safety of prefabricated vegetables, the initiative to link farmers with farmers, the academician initiative, and the media initiative. China Standardization Collaborative Innovation Platform Rural Revitalization Special Committee, Guangdong Eel Association and other institutions and representative enterprises launched the initiative of food quality and safety of prefabricated vegetables, joint farming and leading farmers to effectively help farmers increase their income and comprehensively promote rural revitalization. Academician Wu Qingping suggested that we should make good use of the crystallization of the wisdom of the working people of China for 5,000 years to find the Chinese people’s recognition of traditional culture. The representatives of the media issued a proposal to create a strong voice and a large flow of communication momentum for the conference, so that the prefabricated dishes from Shunde, Foshan will be fragrant all over the world.

The conference also reached five major signings: China Pacific Property Insurance Guangdong Branch, the Provincial Agricultural Supply-side Structural Reform Fund and other institutions’ “financial running water to help the development of the prefabricated vegetable industry”; The “North-South Cooperation, East-West Cooperation Signing” of ecological fishery and other enterprises; the “International Cooperation Signing” of Guangdong Prefabricated Vegetable Industry North America Development Center, Shenzhen Imalaya Business Travel Cultural Exchange Co., Ltd.; Shunkong Group, Hema Fresh and other enterprises “Buyer cooperation signing”;??, Hengqin to where and other platforms and enterprises “signing the transformation of prefabricated vegetable innovation and entrepreneurship competition achievements”.

The conference will be held at the Tanzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center in Foshan, Guangdong on the 3rd to 5th, and the 12th Guangdong Modern Agriculture Expo will be held at the same time. The conference brought together representative enterprises of prefabricated vegetables from all over the country, united the whole industry chain from research and development to sales, and explored paths and provided demonstrations for the high-quality development of the prefabricated vegetable industry. During the conference, there will also be a 40,000-square-meter prefabricated vegetable industry chain professional exhibition, a live broadcast of prefabricated dish stars and RCEP cross-border e-commerce live broadcasts, a competition of top ten Cantonese-style prefabricated dishes, and a prefabricated vegetable yuan universe area. , Eight major cuisine tasting areas for the audience to visit and taste, let Guangdong delicacies spread to the whole country through prepared dishes, and let Chinese food culture spread to the world through prepared dishes.



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