Leading farmers to become rich and increase their income, Shanghai Auntie Fresh Fruit Tea promotes the development of agriculture, rural areas and farmers


The maturity of a grain of rice needs to wait for a spring and autumn; the inheritance of a taste needs the protection of countless people. Blood glutinous rice series milk tea is a popular product of Shanghai Auntie Fresh Fruit Tea. From the natural field to the modern city, the journey experienced by blood glutinous rice is far more exciting than everyone imagined, allowing you to taste the joy of harvest.

Shanghai Auntie Fresh Fruit Tea Blood Glutinous Rice Milk Tea

It is reported that the blood glutinous rice used in the blood glutinous rice series milk tea of ​​Shanghai Ayi Fresh Fruit Tea comes from the core production area of ​​Heilongjiang. With the signature product “blood glutinous rice milk tea” as the carrier, it cooperates with the local long-term rural revitalization project. A small grain is a microcosm of Shanghai Ayi Fresh Fruit Tea actively responding to the call of national policies, actively carrying out poverty alleviation and agricultural assistance activities, and striving to solve the problems of rural industries and farmers’ employment. In recent years, relying on multi-dimensional innovations in technology, management, products, and supply chains, Shanghai Ayi Fresh Fruit Tea has achieved fruitful results in leading farmers to become rich and increasing their income, improving agricultural production efficiency, and cultivating new rural industries and formats.

Shanghai Ayi Fresh Fruit Tea actively supports the development of green agriculture in the upstream, and has built its own raw material base for fresh fruits and grains to achieve global fresh and direct procurement of famous and high-quality ingredients such as Dongkui Yangmei, Hebei Crown Pear, and Fengqing Dianhong. In Fu’an City, Fujian Province, Ying’s first product “Platinum Tea” series brought a positive signal to the revitalization of the white tea industry. Shanghai Auntie officially announced the launch of the “Industrial Revitalization Public Welfare Plan” in Fu’an City. Revitalization of local villages. In 2022, Shanghai Auntie Fresh Fruit Tea will also create the “Super Top Rosa Pear” series for the first time, incorporating Guizhou’s key characteristic agricultural product Rosa roxburghii into a new tea drink for the first time. Industrial economy and farmers’ income increase.

The development of agricultural industrialization is an inevitable choice to increase agricultural added value and market competitiveness, an effective way to increase farmers’ income, and an irreplaceable important role in accelerating the overall revitalization of rural areas. Today, Shanghai Auntie Fresh Fruit Tea is leading the development of the industry with a brand-new look. It is believed that with the blessing of optimized raw material origin, perfect supply chain system and continuous innovation of products, Shanghai Auntie Fresh Fruit Tea will reach another level.


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