Yadea electric car of the same style as CCTV Spring Festival Gala: the confidence behind innovative communication thinking


It has to be said that the cross-border cooperation between Yadea Electric Vehicle and the 2023 CCTV Spring Festival Gala not long ago has made “marketing innovation” the focus of heated discussions in the entire electric vehicle industry. Behind the GN Q7 that “appeared” in the Spring Festival Gala continues to detonate the sales boom in the terminal market is that Yadea uses its own core technology as a barrier to competition, integrates its own resource advantages, and impresses users with the combination of high-quality products and the top IP of the Spring Festival Gala. The wide-area circle quickly opened up brand awareness and became another classic case of “explosive marketing” in the electric vehicle industry.

(Yardi terminal stores continue to sell well, and users have received rave reviews)

From CCTV Spring Festival Gala “Gift of Love” Yadi GN Q7, to CCTV “Young in the Spring Festival Gala” “Young in the Spring Festival Gala” recommended by the host Tiantuan Sa Beining, Wang Bingbing and other “National Travel Tool” Yadi GN E9 PRO, the screen of CCTV Yadea electric vehicles are sought after by users all over the network and become the new “out-of-stock king”. There are long queues at terminal stores all over the country, and there are even out-of-stock and emergency transfers in many areas.

Behind the continuous hot sale is the choice of more than 70 million users worldwide, and it is the double support of Yadea’s brand power and product power. As the world’s number one brand of two-wheeled electric vehicles, Yadea has been with users for 25 years. It has ranked first in global sales for five consecutive years, and its products are sold in 100 countries and regions. enterprises.

(Yadea electric car appeared on the stage of CCTV Spring Festival Gala)

Relying on the leading scientific research strength of 6 technology research and development centers and more than 1350 patents, Yadea continues to innovate and adheres to the brand mission of “let hundreds of millions of people enjoy beautiful travel”. The Yadea GN Q7, which appeared on the stage of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala this time, is equipped with the world’s leading TTFAR extended range system. Its hard-core strength of “ultra-long battery life, easy 100 kilometers” continues to support love. And another Yadea GN E9 PRO, using the newly upgraded TTFAR graphene 3rd generation Plus battery, TTFAR motor, etc., with “ultra-long battery life, super power” to help users “ride” new luck in the Year of the Rabbit.

Through the close linkage with the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, Yadea electric vehicles have further consolidated their position as the “leader” in the electric vehicle industry while gaining high exposure, and thus cleverly conveyed to consumers the “home” in traditional Chinese culture. The concept of “reunion and reunion” realizes the dual empowerment of social benefits and brand benefits. In the future, Yadea electric vehicles will continue to take the global layout, first-class product quality and brand building as the core competitiveness of the enterprise, occupy the minds of global users through diversified creative marketing, and build a bond between the Yadea brand and global consumers. Bridge of trust.


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