How to choose notebook memory?The measured 16GB vs. 32GB will give you the answer


Memory is one of the most important accessories in computer hardware, and it is also one of the factors that determine the operating efficiency of the computer. All software in the computer runs in the memory stick. We must pay attention to the memory capacity when purchasing a notebook computer, so how much memory is enough for a notebook computer? Next, the editor will tell you how much memory is suitable for a laptop.

Everyone uses their day-to-day computers for and in different ways. In general:

8G is more than enough for general office and audio-visual use,

16G is enough for game fans or high-definition movie enthusiasts,

Tyrants, game enthusiasts, and professional creators need more than 16G of memory.

Recently, the author has also received a lot of questions about how to choose between 16G and 32G memory capacity. Here, the author uses the actual application test to show the experience of using the two. You can choose according to your actual use needs. (Of course, the larger the memory, the safer it is, but if your own use requirements are not so high, there is no need to spend more money to buy large memory.)

Test method 1: Photoshop to process large-scale pictures

We use a 16GB memory notebook to process large-scale pictures through Photoshop, and we can see that the 16GB space will be completely occupied soon. With 100% memory usage, it is extremely difficult to do other things. For example, under 100% memory usage, even if I open a WPS document for simple text entry, there will be obvious lag and lag.

16GB memory usage quickly reaches 100%

How to choose laptop memory?The measured 16GB vs. 32GB will give you the answer

When the memory is full, the text input will be paused and not smooth enough

Test method 2: Open 100 PPT files

Large memory is of great help to the loading speed of massive files. For example, the author tried to open 100 PPT files with a total of 1.5GB. As you can see from the picture below, the opening and loading of 100 PPT files is almost instantaneous. If you do the same operation in a 16GB or lower 8GB memory environment, you can feel the difference yourself.

How to choose laptop memory?The measured 16GB vs. 32GB will give you the answer

How to choose laptop memory?The measured 16GB vs. 32GB will give you the answer

To sum up, large memory not only meets the specific application requirements of programmer friends, but also has great benefits for ordinary office workers. In daily office work, it is often impossible for us to open only one software, but to open many software at the same time for collaborative office work, especially for tasks such as picture, video, and form processing. Staring at the computer in a daze, even sending a WeChat message would be noticeably stuck. At this time, if your computer memory capacity is large enough, you will not have these unpleasant experiences.


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