“Investing in the future” theme salon held Shangwang Network to share new trends in the digital economy


On March 1, Zheng Xiaoping, CEO of Shangwang Network, Zhu Bo, strategic advisor, and Gong Wei, chief security officer, discussed with the guests on the theme salon of the second phase of “Investing in the Future” hosted by Jiangsu Provincial Cultural Investment Group. Development direction and technical support.

Shangwang Network is a mobile Internet company that focuses on providing free connections. It helps users connect to various Internet life scenarios such as knowledge, entertainment and consumption on a global scale. Its core product, WiFi Master Key, is the world’s leading free Internet platform. Users are provided with free, stable and secure Internet services and information services.

Zheng Xiaoping, CEO of Shangwang Network, said in his keynote speech that after years of development, the company has accumulated huge traffic. The same-frequency resonance after field cooperation provides the public with new experiences such as connection, information, consumption, and entertainment after digital integration.

(Zheng Xiaoping, CEO of Shangwang Network)

“From the out-of-the-box AI painting to the interface of popular products, there are all breakthroughs and innovations in large-scale model technology.” Zhu Bo, strategic consultant of Shangwang Network, said that “ChatGPT” is the integration of various underlying technologies in Metaverse Another verification of the model in the wave of AIGC (Content Creation Framework, Assisted and AI-generated Content). “Artificial intelligence (AI) technology is critical”

In Zhu Bo’s view, the realization of the consumption metaverse requires two levels of cornerstone construction: one is to build a “field” that supports the existence of the consumption ecology, which requires the support of the underlying infrastructure construction; the other is to build a “trading system” that supports the consumption ecology , that is, to provide a digital economic system to meet the transaction needs of the consumer metaverse. In order to meet the consumption needs of users in “experience, creation, communication, and exchange” in Metaverse, Metaverse must establish a complete digital economic system, which includes four basic elements: digital products, digital assets, and digital markets.

(Zhu Bo, Strategy Consultant of Shangwang Network)

Gong Wei, chief security officer of Shangwang Network, also started from ChatGPT when sharing his views. “We will enter an era where data guides development, data determines the future, and data serves as productivity.” Gong Wei said that the development of emerging technologies such as 5G+, AI artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and blockchain has driven the improvement of computing power, and data will Explosive growth. In the era of big data, the processes of data generation, flow, and processing are richer and more diverse than before. Using big data technology to accelerate the built-in engine of data security, depositing expert experience into intelligent models, and using AI to completely liberate manpower can improve Security Operational Efficiency.

(Gong Wei, chief security officer of Shangwang Network)

Jiangsu Provincial Cultural Investment Group is an important financial service platform, state-owned capital operation and management platform, emerging cultural business cultivation platform and cultural elements gathering and operation platform for Jiangsu Province to promote the high-quality development of cultural undertakings and cultural industries. While helping the digital development of the cultural industry through salons, in recent years, Jiangsu Cultural Investment has also continuously improved its digital cultural service capabilities through financial investment, art production, and platform construction, and continued to promote the construction of digital China and the implementation of cultural digitalization strategies.


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