Dragonfly FM explores and rebuilds content models to meet users’ diverse content needs


Since the emergence of categories such as radio aggregation, audiobooks, and knowledge payment, audio content is also facing the dilemma of content innovation. In order to further open the ceiling and welcome a larger imagination space, Dragonfly FM has made various explorations and attempts. The two programs created for Fu Jing and Li Jing are launched by Dragonfly FM by breaking through the original content category and relying on the original audio attributes. Entertainment variety show.

Dragonfly FM

“Fu Jing: A Quarter of Life” is the first audio program launched by Dragonfly FM to accompany the growth of artists. Dragonfly FM tailor-made this program for Fu Jing. It is positioned as an audio variety show for young people, changing the inherent form of traditional audio. , intending to break through the original circle through the orientation of younger IP, so that more people can enjoy the fun of audio.

In another program “Jing Jian”, as the queen of traditional TV variety shows, Li Jing talks about life straightforwardly in the form of voice, interprets the personal growth, spiritual world, intimacy, workplace and hot social topics that young people care about today, and shares her Viewpoints and thinking, so that every listener can draw strength from it.

In addition, Dragonfly FM launched “Feng Tang Lectures” on the basis of “Feng Tang Chengshi Xinfa”, launched the “Fengma Niu Study Room” program led by entrepreneur Feng Lun, and invited Wang Shi, Yu Minhong, Hong Huang, Yang Lihua, etc. Digital cross-border celebrities participated in it, and the superposition of multiple IPs produced an amplification effect, providing more possibilities for the generation of explosive models.

This is the first shot of the “audio content-driven” strategy in Dragonfly FM’s new ten-year plan, and it is also the first attempt to develop a new content category of audio variety shows. The new form of audio variety show is a bold exploration of audio content by Dragonfly FM. This also means that the audio platform is aware of the importance of vertical content in addition to the existing traffic.

These audio variety shows are different from previous pay-for-knowledge programs that emphasize knowledge and a sense of gain, and are also somewhat different from some current narration or dialogue programs. They are strongly scripted and follow the route of high-quality content. Not only that, but it is also different from the previous visual star video interviews, making variety shows a new form that can be listened to.

Through innovative attempts, Dragonfly FM continues to provide more fun pan-entertainment content to young groups and female groups, breaking through the solidified circle of traditional long audio, not only making it easier to create popular models in the audio field, but also broadening the traditional The content category of the audio.

Dragonfly FM believes that popular vertical content such as audio variety shows can break through platform restrictions, expand the off-site ecology, and bring more possibilities to the commercial ecology. On the basis of continuous explosions and breaking topics, the audio platform can create a healthier and sustainable business model.



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