Horizontal expansion and vertical innovation Bank of Tianjin’s “Smart Communication” product empowers the landmark scene of the railway station


As important transportation hubs, Tianjin Railway Station and Tianjin West Railway Station have made great contributions to the development of Tianjin. As a local corporate bank, Bank of Tianjin, adhering to the positioning of a “citizen’s bank”, exerts its strength in financial technology, expands horizontally and innovates vertically, and covers Tianjin Railway Station and Tianjin West Railway Station in full coverage of landmark scenes. By providing “Smart Communication” product services, it effectively empowers With two “gateway” stations, guests from all over the world can feel Tianjin’s local financial strength.

The voice of “Tianjin Bank collects money…” echoes in the huge waiting hall from time to time. When people buy a drink and have a light meal, they can not only experience the unique hospitality of Tianjin people, but also experience Tianjin Bank. convenient financial services. The Bank of Tianjin’s “Little Seagull” 5G smart speaker placed on the counter of the merchant in the station is particularly cute and friendly. “Don’t look at it as small, it can not only collect money, but also broadcast, which is convenient and smart.” Everyone praised this “Little Seagull” Can’t stop talking.

“I just registered as a member of ‘Tianxingle e-payment’, and I can also enjoy discounts when I buy a bottle of water at the station.” With the help of Tianjin Bank staff, the passengers who came and went chose to use “Tianxingle e-payment” to pay. Merchants on the station said that there have been a lot more customers recently than before, and they are grateful to Bank of Tianjin’s “Smart Link” product for making their business boom.

Employees of Bank of Tianjin Sixth Central Sub-branch guide merchants to use

This year, Bank of Tianjin has comprehensively upgraded the “Smart Xiaoer” financial service platform, continuously improved the coverage of scenarios, and combined with market demand, created a “Smart Communication” product solution to allow digital technology to smooth smart business. The “Smart Pass” product not only helps local merchants attract customers and develop their business, but also impresses and impresses tourists traveling from south to north, adding to the experience of convenient payment. Bank of Tianjin’s “Smart Little Two” will continue to innovate products and services, extend the upstream and downstream of the scene, and have more warmth and depth on the basis of height and breadth, contribute financial power to urban development and industrial upgrading, and demonstrate the responsibility of Tianxing.


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