2022 China’s top ten scientific and technological progress in intelligent manufacturing announced, Honeycomb Energy was shortlisted


Recently, the “2022 World Smart Manufacturing Conference” was held in Nanjing, Jiangsu, with the mission of “making manufacturing smarter” and the theme of “digital intelligence empowerment, linking the future”. At the opening ceremony of the conference, the International Intelligent Manufacturing Alliance and the Intelligent Manufacturing Society of China Association for Science and Technology jointly announced the major research results of China’s intelligent manufacturing in 2022. Honeycomb Energy was selected into the “2022 China Intelligent Manufacturing Top Ten Scientific and Technological Advances”, showing strong scientific research and innovation strength.

my country’s new energy battery industry has a short history of development and insufficient industrialization accumulation. It has always had the defects of focusing on automation and neglecting informationization and digitalization. At the same time, a large number of manual operations such as manual visual inspection, manual handling, and manual management lead to poor product consistency and limited production capacity. limit. As an innovative benchmarking enterprise in China’s lithium battery industry, Honeycomb Energy took the lead in building a car-level smart factory in the industry as early as 2019, and continued to innovate and develop AI smart applications.

Honeycomb Energy’s power battery AI smart factory project aims at the industry’s pain points such as long power battery development cycle, complex process equipment, long climbing cycle, and large quality fluctuations. “Consistent and reliable, flexible and efficient, controllable cost and high quality, fast and stable delivery” power battery smart factory. This AI smart factory model has been replicated in many manufacturing bases across the country to build smart manufacturing applications in the new energy industry, promote the intelligent transformation and upgrading of the new energy industry, and support the national energy revolution.

In addition, experts commented that the Hive Energy industry is the first AI ecological alliance with more than 60 leading and unicorn companies participating. Apply for hundreds of patents, incubate smart manufacturing platform companies, and empower the industry; light up the beacon factory for AI+5G applications, replicate and expand in multiple manufacturing bases across the country, and achieve significant economic and social benefits; successfully build new energy The application demonstration of intelligent manufacturing in the industry is of great significance to promote the development of intelligent manufacturing standards in the industry, the test and verification of new technologies, the large-scale popularization of intelligent equipment, and the promotion of the core manufacturing capabilities of my country’s power battery enterprises.

Since then, Honeycomb Energy will continue to build a strong technical product matrix, further consolidate the advantages of Honeycomb Energy in battery research and development and production, and achieve high-quality development.


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