11 years after its launch, Wuliang Tequ continues to support Hemei Life


Since its launch in 2013, Wuliang Tequ has become a leader in the Chinese liquor market with its unique brewing process and excellent taste. After 11 years of precipitation and development, Wuliang Tequ not only adheres to Wuliangye’s quality tradition, but also develops its own market territory through continuous innovation.

The success of Wuliang Tequ stems from its unique brewing process. This wine is brewed from five grains, namely sorghum, rice, glutinous rice, wheat, and corn. This brewing method makes Wuliang Tequ richer and more delicate in taste. At the same time, Wuliang Tequ pays attention to every detail during the brewing process, from the selection of raw materials to the blending of the wine body, and strives to do the best to ensure that every drop of wine meets Wuliang Tequ’s high quality standards.

As one of the representatives of Wuliang brewing technology, Wuliang Tequ not only inherits the traditional Wuliang strong aroma wine style, but also achieves a unique breakthrough in taste. The R&D team of this wine brought together more than 240 industry elites. After more than 50 destructive tasting experiments and more than 100 wine tasting meetings, it was finally determined that it has “rich front taste, comprehensive middle taste, and sweet aftertaste.” “The complex and delicate taste.

The unique taste of Wuliang Tequ comes from its strict production technology and quality control management. The triple quality control concept runs through the entire production process, from raw material traceability to Wuliang’s inherited skills, to wine quality control management, ensuring that the quality of every drop of wine is consistent. In addition, the excellent quality of Wuliang Tequ wine body design has also broken many national standards, achieving a perfect balance of high content of aromatic esters, high content of trace elements, low by-products and just the right acid content.

In addition to its excellent taste, Wuliang Tequ also focuses on emotional connection with consumers. In the 11 years since its launch, Wuliang Tequ has established a deep emotional bond with consumers by organizing various brand activities, such as launch events, high-end forums, stage plays, fan clubs, and cross talk parties. These activities not only enrich the cultural life of consumers, but also make the brand image of Wuliang Tequ deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

In the future development, Wuliang Tequ will continue to adhere to the concept of “harmony and beauty life” and continue to innovate and make progress. By continuously improving product quality, enriching brand activities, and strengthening emotional connections with consumers, Wuliang Tequ will continue to bring better drinking experience and quality of life to consumers, boost Hemei Life, and also contribute to the Chinese liquor market. Inject more vitality and innovation.


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