【Wanqingyi Care】The elderly in the residential care center strive to live every day well. The paintbrush and guitar add color to their lives.

【Wanqingyi Care】The elderly in the residential care center strive to live every day well. The paintbrush and guitar add color to their lives.


Text◆Chen Yuanyi (Registered Social Worker of Hong Kong Geriatric Society)

In the past, when I worked at the Neighborhood Elderly Center, the elders I came into contact with all lived in the community, were well-behaved, and were spirited. I have always thought that the elderly in residential care homes have difficulty walking, are bedridden, are not in ideal mental state, and have no interest, response or interest in group activities…

The COVID-19 epidemic gave me the opportunity to interact with the elderly in private residential care homes. My experience and feelings about the service process broke my original ideas. I was pleasantly surprised by how hard they worked to live a good life every day.

(Hong Kong News) The Hong Kong Geriatric Society has received sponsorship from the Hong Kong Jockey Club to implement the “Residential Support Service for Elderly Caregivers” from 2022 to 2023. It will visit private residential care homes and organize group activities for the elderly using music, art, cognitive training and other techniques. , case counseling, so that they can receive heart, society and spiritual support.

Generously share inner joy

I am a social worker in the team and have served more than 10 institutions in one year. I have encountered negative and depressed residents as well as happy and positive elders. The same environment, but very different mentality, made me reflect a lot.

Lin Bo – Optimism brings a better life

Lin Bo, 91 years old. He worked as an English teacher when he was young and has extensive knowledge. I just met Uncle Lin in the nursing home. He has already shared with me his motto: “With joy in your heart, everything can be possible.” His optimistic attitude allowed him to burst out with creativity that is rare among elders, which is amazing.

During the 12-week group activities, various game activities were conducted, such as cognitive games, stress-reducing activities, etc. During the process, it was observed that Lin Bo was particularly happy and engaged in activities that required the use of pens, such as coloring, maze games, etc. During the painting session, he lowered his head and focused on creating and expressing his creativity, constantly thinking about how to match various colors. His works showed his creativity and love for art. Everyone was full of praise. This kind of recognition and encouragement was very important to him. It is important psychological support.

He often said: “I have loved painting, writing and playing the piano since I was young. These interests can bring joy and meaning to my life.”

He uses color pens to create different works one by one on white paper, making his life full of color. “I draw and write with the color pens you gave me every day. Look at my latest work.”

After each group activity, he will share his latest work. Once, he deliberately took out an electronic piano from the room and played his best song “Under the Lion Rock” in front of everyone. Everyone felt happy. He often generously shared his inner joy with everyone. His interest and creativity not only made him happy, but also affected those around him.

With the epidemic raging, nursing homes have become battlefields. Staff are busy and cannot even go home, so they have to stay and care for the residents. Residents cannot go out and can only stay in their rooms. Relatives and friends cannot visit, and the environment has become depressed. , accompanied by negative emotions. However, Lin Bo can still maintain an optimistic attitude, drawing and writing in his room every day, and firmly believes that this optimistic heart can help him overcome all difficulties. It is really valuable to have such a positive heart in a negative environment.

Through my interactions with Lin Bo, I was indeed infected by his optimism. He told me that even in difficult circumstances, as long as we maintain an optimistic attitude, all kinds of problems will be solved and we can enjoy the beauty of life. His story also reminds me that as a social worker, we need to maintain a positive and optimistic mind and walk with service users, provide encouragement and support, move forward together, and solve various problems.

Take the initiative to get closer to each other

At the same time, I also need to appreciate the personal characteristics of the clients I serve, explore their interests, and encourage them to fulfill their potential so that they feel recognized and valued. Such interactions and connections not only improve the mental health of service users, but also enrich my social work practice, allowing me to better understand each person’s unique needs and establish deeper relationships with them.

Song Bo – performing guitar adds confidence

Uncle Song, who is in his 80s, is tall and thin, and speaks with a strong voice; but he is not interested in our activities and is even a little resistant. I can only make more use of social workers’ ice-breaking and relationship-building skills, such as taking the initiative to say hello to him, so as to shorten the distance between us.

Since the environment of the nursing home is small, when I conduct group activities in the living room every week, the residents in the room can hear the sounds of the activities in the living room. During the singing session of group activities, residents are free to choose their favorite songs to increase the fun of the activity. Once, when everyone was intoxicated with the song, a pleasant guitar accompaniment suddenly came. I followed the guitar sound to Uncle Song’s room and saw him playing the guitar with enjoyment and confidence.

After the music ended, he took out a book from the drawer and shared it with me. Each page contained music scores copied by himself. He smiled and said, “I know how to play many songs.”

During the epidemic, Uncle Song could not go out or meet with his family. He could only write music scores and play and sing by himself with his guitar in his room. Due to the ongoing epidemic, residents and staff could not accompany him to play music. Uncle Song inevitably felt disappointed until this service plan came about. He said: “Every time I hear you play a song, I can’t help but want to help you accompany him.”

I asked him to play the guitar accompaniment and I to sing, and he immediately agreed without saying anything. He was also willing to play the guitar accompaniment in future singing sessions. Later, whenever I entered the nursing home, he would eagerly come over and ask, “What song are we singing today?”

I felt that he was full of enthusiasm and anticipation. He enjoyed playing the guitar and singing in front of everyone. The residents were very happy and applauded from time to time, which made him very confident.

Promote emotional connection among residents

As a fledgling social worker, I was very proactive in meeting the elderly people I met in my previous work, and I quickly became familiar with them. This time I met a group of elderly people with different personalities in a residential care home for the elderly and needed to use different skills to establish relationships with them. Uncle Song resisted contact at first. We need to pay more patience and empathy, continue to work hard to build trust and good communication with him, take the initiative to greet him, care about him, introduce the activities to him, and regard him as an important part of the service. . After a period of time, I was finally able to touch his heart, share his story with me, and be willing to participate in group activities, which made me feel encouraged.

In addition to patience and persistence, music also became the entry point of this relationship. During the raging epidemic, Song Bo lost the opportunity to display his talents and could only play guitar alone in his room. The residential support services just set up a stage, which not only allowed Song Bo to showcase his musical talent in activities, but the power of music also promoted the emotions and connections among the residents.

Song Bo’s music adds joy to life for himself, residents and staff, allowing everyone to forget their worries and enjoy a good time. Through interacting with Uncle Song, I realized that no matter what age or environment, everyone has their own value and potential. Even under difficulties, everyone has inner desires and needs. When we are willing to listen and support, they You will feel respected and affirmed.

This year, I visited various nursing homes to meet each unique elder and listen to their experiences and stories. When they were young, they struggled to make a living and support their families, and their lives were not easy.

Now living in another stage of life, after three years of epidemic, accompanied by physical deterioration and spiritual loneliness, they are still trying to live each day well. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve them, which inspires me a lot. I will carry these blessings forward and be a good social worker.

Listening support——Each elderly person in a residential care home has his or her own personality, and serving them requires more listening and support. They will definitely feel respected and affirmed.


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