【Love Wants Sex Series 315】Multiple factors affect the quality of sperm, recharge your energy and improve fertility

【Love Wants Sex Series 315】Multiple factors affect the quality of sperm, recharge your energy and improve fertility


(Kuala Lumpur News) What is the development process of the sperm factory? Fertilization refers to the union of sperm and egg. In humans, fertilization occurs in the fallopian tubes in the female reproductive tract, involving a complex series of biochemical and physical interactions between sperm and eggs.

The process of fertilization begins with the production of sperm in the testicles. During sexual intercourse, it is injected into the female reproductive tract. The sperm must pass through the cervix and uterus into the fallopian tubes to find eggs and meet to give birth to a small life.

Only one sperm enters the egg

Dr. Luo Zexin, a consultant urologist, said that this process is promoted by the contraction of the muscles in the cervix and the female reproductive tract. When the sperm combines with the egg, it must first pass through the protective layer that protects the egg.

“This protective layer includes the corona radiata and the zona pellucida. When the sperm reaches the surface of the egg by releasing the protective layer, it first binds to the specific receptor protein of the egg. This triggers a series of biochemical reactions to prevent other The entry of the sperm. That is to say, if one sperm has entered the egg, the others cannot.”

“When the sperm head fuses with the end of the egg, the sperm’s genetic material is released into the egg, and once that’s done, the egg goes through a series of biochemical changes that prevent other sperm from joining it, and the egg completes a second deceleration The division produces a mature haploid egg cell, and the genetic material of the sperm combines with the egg cell to form a diploid zygote, which can develop into a new organism.”

“Once fertilized, the egg travels through the fallopian tubes to the uterus, undergoes a series of cell divisions and differentiations, and forms a cyst wall, which is a sphere of cells that eventually implants in the endometrium. The successful fusion of these two types of cells A fertilized egg will be formed, which is the first cell of life!”

Sperm production goes through three stages

So where do sperm come from? It is formed from the male testis, which is also a complex process involving many different types of cells. The whole process can be roughly divided into three main stages.

First, germ cell division; second, deceleration; and third, differentiation.

“In the first stage, the germ cells (Spermatogonia) divide,

Germ cells called spermatogonia,

Divides into two primary spermatocytes

and secondary spermatocytes (secondary spermatocyte) two kinds of cells;

These primary spermatocytes and secondary spermatocytes then divide into four,

cells called preleptotene spermatocytes and spermatocytes,

This process is called meiosis,

Because each spermatozoon has only half the number of chromosomes. “

During the second process, meiosis, each of the four spermatozoa divides into two, cells called sperm precursor cells, which eventually differentiate into two spermatozoa, each containing a single Genome, the whole process takes about 64 to 72 days to complete and lasts a lifetime.

assisted reproductive technology

“Men continue to produce sperm throughout their adult lives, and the quantity and quality of sperm may also be influenced by genetic factors, including environmental factors, lifestyle, health status and age.”

The following are some congenital and acquired conditions that can affect reproductive stratification.

1. Klinefelter Syndrome

2. Cryptorchidism

3. Varicocele

4. Infection

5. Hormone imbalance

6. Drugs and drug effects

7. Environmental factors

8. age

Most of these conditions can be managed with treatment or management. Even with these conditions, some men can have children through assisted reproductive technology. If you are concerned about your sperm production, consult a healthcare professional.

Sperm are not necessarily healthy

Fertility from puberty

At what age do boys become fertile? What factors affect sperm development in young boys during childhood?

Luo Zexin pointed out that puberty usually occurs between the ages of 9 and 14. However, it should be noted that just because a boy enters puberty does not mean that he is producing healthy sperm.

Chronic Disease Affects Sperm Production

Sperm can take years to mature. Factors that affect a boy’s fertility include the life and environment of childhood and adolescence, such as the following:

1. Nutrition:Proper nutrition is essential for the development of healthy sperm. Boys with poor nutrition or eating habits may experience delayed puberty and reduced fertility later in life.

2. Exposure to toxins:Exposure to toxins such as lead, pesticides, and chemicals that may affect sperm production at hormone levels, and in boys exposed to these toxins during childhood and adolescence, may lead to delayed or reduced fertility into adulthood;

Chronic diseases: Some chronic diseases, such as diabetes, cystic fibrosis, and sickle cell anemia, can affect male fertility. Most of these diseases are congenital conditions. Boys with these diseases may produce fewer sperm or completely sterile;

3. Testicular injury:Injury, such as from sports or accidents, may result in damage to testicular tissue, which can lead to reduced fertility;

4. Hormone imbalance:Hormone imbalances, such as those caused by certain medications or medical conditions, may also affect sperm production and lead to reduced fertility.

Fertility problems or related genetics

He reminded that parents need to be aware that although these factors may affect fertility, there is no guarantee that boys will have fertility problems.

In addition, some fertility problems may be related to genetic and genetic factors that cannot be controlled through lifestyle or environmental factors. If you have concerns about your child’s fertility, you should talk to a healthcare professional.


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