Yuexiu Tianheng?Huaishan Mansion丨Longing for nature and pursuing ideal life


Yuexiu Tianheng Huaishan Mansion, located in the core area of ​​the main city of Huairou, is like a hymn of the blend of nature and humanity, presenting you with an ideal residence that is both peaceful and full of vitality. This is not only a place to live, but also an ideal home, where every resident can find his or her own rhythm of life and space.

A harmonious symphony of nature and culture. Huairou, where Yuexiu Tianheng Huaishan Mansion is located, is a place where natural beauty and cultural depth are perfectly combined. Natural landscapes such as Hongluo Mountain, Hongluo Temple and Living Lake are intertwined with cultural sites, providing you with a living environment where you can enjoy urban conveniences while immersing yourself in natural tranquility.

Urban life is convenient and worry-free. The transportation network around Huaishan Mansion is developed and it is close to the Jingcheng and Jingmi Expressways, making daily commuting and leisure travel easy and convenient. Huairou has complete living facilities such as government agencies, commercial centers and squares, building a convenient urban life network.

The back garden of innovative future scientists

Close to the Centennial Science City, Huaishan Mansion coexists and prospers with the future of science and technology. This is a place for sharing scientific and technological achievements and a promoter of regional industrial development. The gathering place of high-end scientific instruments, sensor industries and hard technology companies will bring intelligence and convenience to the owners of Huaishan Mansion.

Comprehensive supporting facilities to enjoy life

Huaishan Mansion not only attaches great importance to the comfort of living, but also pays attention to the improvement of the quality of life. Considering the convenience of the elderly, the community specially built a modern retirement center of about 800 square meters to ensure the quality of life and safety of the elderly owners.

The commercial and office center under construction integrates multi-functional business and office facilities, which greatly facilitates the work and life of the owners. In addition, the planning of the community’s kindergarten and other supporting living facilities further reflects Huaishan Mansion’s commitment to providing comprehensive services and conveniences for the whole family, aiming to make each owner’s daily life richer and more satisfying.

Landscape C, the No. 5 Central View Building in Huaishan Mansion, where the distinguished residence is located, is located in the center of the community and enjoys the best view of the landscape. Its unique design and superior location have become the focus of the community, representing a new level of good life.

Four-leaf clover design, aesthetic life. The four-leaf clover collection house type in Huaishan Mansion utilizes the sun-facing design on three sides to maximize natural lighting, combined with IMAX-level vision and spacious living space. Every detail shows the pursuit of high-quality life, providing The owners have created an ideal home that is both comfortable and beautiful.

Yuexiu Tianheng Huaishan Mansion is the first choice for high-end quality of life. Here, the poetry of mountains and rivers is perfectly integrated with the convenience of the city, providing you and your family with a life full of natural gifts.


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