Whole-fitting joins Bonnis one-stop super integrated service provider to face the second half of the whole-fitting 丨 Whole-family customization, whole-house customization, customized wardrobe joining


According to statistics from the China Building Decoration Association, the market size of the home improvement industry will be about 2.85 trillion yuan in 2021, with an annual growth rate of about 18.89%. The entire large home furnishing industry chain is estimated to have exceeded 5 trillion yuan.

For more and more young people, the housing demand has changed from simply satisfying the needs of life to deeper needs such as quality, experience, design, and service.

The rise of the concept of “full package” has gradually broken the industry situation that some companies originally won with a single product, but at present, it is more of a primary integration of cross-category products, and real product innovation has not yet come. The market and consumers have not yet had a high awareness of the concept of self-contained decoration, and the self-contained model of many companies is still in the stage of increasing the unit price of large customers.

Bonisi, an integrated whole-customized brand under Oupai Home Furnishing Group, innovatively put forward the model of “one-stop super integrated service provider” to face the second half of the whole decoration.

The one-stop super integrated service provider will provide home improvement, customized products, household products (parts), and after-home improvement market services. Through the layout of high-frequency consumer products similar to IKEA + Bonisi customized products + construction services of decoration companies, with high orders Value products (customized services, decoration services), combined with high-frequency products (household daily necessities, housekeeping services, etc.), effectively build customer consumption stickiness, so as to achieve breakthroughs in sales and customer flow.

At present, Bonice has built a supply chain system of cost-effective main and auxiliary materials, home furnishing, home appliances, soft decoration, and smart products, which can provide one-stop product supply. In the future, on the basis of the existing product system, Bonnis will further improve textiles, decorations, lamps, kitchenware and tableware, cleaning and drying, electronic products, and children’s series, and move towards a one-stop super integrated service provider.

At the same time, Bonnis can also share core advantages such as the master design of the OPPEIN Group, global material selection, exquisite craftsmanship, hard-core manufacturing, AI factories, and the entire environmental protection, and build core advantages in the field of assembly, further expanding the relationship with the waist enterprises distance.

(Bonis shares the five core advantages of Oupai Home Furnishing Group)

In the fierce market competition, Bonnis is expected to take a strong position in the second half of the whole package through the one-stop super integrated service provider model and firmly occupy a place.


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