[Traditional Chinese Medicine Beyond the Line]Insufficient kidney yang, prostatic hypertrophy, and improved urinary disorders by adjusting diet

[Traditional Chinese Medicine Beyond the Line]Insufficient kidney yang, prostatic hypertrophy, and improved urinary disorders by adjusting diet


Text ◆ Qiu Yufeng (TCM physician), “Ming Pao”

Almost every man will encounter a condition when he reaches middle age and old age – benign prostatic hyperplasia, or commonly known as prostatic hypertrophy. Patients may experience symptoms such as frequent urination, nocturia, slower and less urinary flow, post-urinary discharge, and difficulty in urinating. It may even cause urinary retention, renal insufficiency, etc.

For patients with urinary disorders, Chinese medicine can reduce uncomfortable symptoms through traditional Chinese medicine and adjustments to diet, work and rest.

(Hong Kong News) Urinary obstruction problems caused by prostatic hyperplasia can be classified into the category of “stagnation” in traditional Chinese medicine. The Qing Dynasty traditional Chinese medicine book “Syndrome-like Treatment and Judgment.” “Guanlong Yidong” points out: “A closed person has difficulty in urinating (the urine cannot come out), and a closed person has difficulty in urinating (the urine drips out).”

Difficulty urinating——Urinary obstruction caused by prostatic hyperplasia can be classified into the category of “stagnation” in traditional Chinese medicine.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that old age, physical weakness, and insufficient kidney yang lead to poor bladder gasification and the inability to discharge urine normally, which is the main reason for the occurrence of colic in middle-aged and elderly people. Based on the traditional Chinese medicine belief that kidney essence is the foundation for men, insufficient kidney qi (yang) and kidney essence deficiency will have a more obvious impact on men’s physical strength, spirit, urination, hair, reproduction, etc.

In addition, due to sitting for a long time and not moving enough, eating cold food, etc., the spleen and stomach Qi are deficient, the Qi in the Qi is insufficient and the Qi Qi does not rise, resulting in the turbid Yin not falling, which can also cause weak or unsmooth urination, and even water accumulation in the body.

Fatty, sweet and thick taste, dampness and heat inject into the bladder

In addition to kidney deficiency and spleen deficiency, other causes of constipation include dampness and heat, qi stagnation, blood stasis, etc. For men who already have prostatic hyperplasia, due to improper eating and craving for rich, sweet and rich food, dampness and heat accumulate in the spleen and stomach, and the dampness and heat inject into the bladder; or due to poor mood, worry and anger, resulting in stagnation of liver qi, Blockage of blood Qi and water channels in the triple burner; or due to long-term disease and obstruction of the collaterals, blood stasis and coagulation, blocking the urinary tract, will aggravate the problem of poor urination.

Some Western medicines that can relieve coughs and relieve nasal congestion, or some Chinese medicines that have astringent effects, may also hinder urination. Treatment of aphtha requires syndrome differentiation and treatment based on the patient’s constitution and condition. Although it is clinically difficult to prevent the occurrence of prostatic hyperplasia in middle-aged and elderly men, active treatment can reduce the problem of difficulty urinating due to prostatic hyperplasia.

For syndromes of kidney yang deficiency, patients commonly experience listlessness, aversion to cold, cold limbs, soreness and weakness in the waist and knees, dizziness, tinnitus, frequent nocturia, and poor urination.

Treatment can be combined with warming the kidneys, promoting bladder gasification, and improving urination problems. Commonly used prescriptions include Fuzi, Cuscuta, and Jisheng Shenqi Pills. For syndromes of spleen deficiency and insufficient qi, patients often experience fatigue, inability to urinate, persistent dripping after urination, poor appetite, loose stools, edema, and enlarged tongue. The treatment can be combined with tonifying the spleen and replenishing qi. Commonly used Prescriptions include astragalus, Codonopsis pilosula, and Buzhong Yiqi Decoction.

Stop eating raw and cold food to nourish the spleen and kidney essence

Because damp-heat accumulates in the spleen, causing damp-heat to prevent urination, common symptoms include yellow and red urine, white dripping from the urethra, abdominal distension, sticky mouth, yellow and greasy tongue coating, etc. In terms of treatment, it can clear away heat and dampness, and eliminate evil through diuresis. Commonly used prescriptions include Plantago Seed, Coix Seed, Coix Seed, and Bazheng Powder.

Due to qi stagnation, the qi machine is not running smoothly, which affects urination. Common symptoms include difficulty in urination, abdominal distension, chest tightness, frequent sighs, bitter mouth, etc. The condition can change with emotional ups and downs, and treatment can be relaxed. The liver promotes qi and diuresis, and commonly used prescriptions include Citrus aurantium, Bupleurum, and Agarwood powder.

Urinary tract obstruction due to coagulation of blood stasis may cause physical objects such as stones and tumors to hinder urination, accompanied by distension and pain in the lower abdomen, dark purple lips and tongue, and petechiae. Treatment can be done by promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis, and dispersing stagnation. Commonly used prescriptions include: Peach kernel, safflower, Angelica sinensis, Daidandang Wan, etc.

Once men develop benign prostate hyperplasia as they age, it is recommended that they should adopt health regimen to reduce uncomfortable symptoms and delay the progression of the disease. In order to maintain the essence of the spleen and kidneys, you should eat less cold food and drink less cold drinks in your diet. You should keep warm in your daily life and avoid being exposed to wind and cold, so as to reduce the loss of yang energy or the invasion of cold evil, so as to avoid the “cold master”. “(The body naturally contracts and tightens when it’s cold), which causes difficulty in urinating.

Bask in the sun and exercise more to help qi and blood flow

To prevent accumulation of phlegm and dampness causing poor urination, the daily diet should be light. The diet should be based on more vegetables and less meat. Eat more dark green vegetables and root foods, and eat less sweet, greasy, oily and other fatty foods. Food, don’t overeat. And you should maintain an appropriate weight and avoid being overweight or obese.

Qi stagnation and blood stasis disorders can be prevented mainly by spending more time in the sun and doing more physical exercises to promote the movement of qi and blood. In addition, attention should be paid to regulating the emotions, keeping the mood relaxed and happy, so that the liver qi can be released normally and the qi movement can be smoothed, thereby avoiding the occurrence of stasis.

Wuzhi Maotao Soup Warm and nourish the spleen and kidneysImprove bladder function

Frequently perform levator movements such as Kegel exercises to tighten the pelvic floor muscles near the anus and vagina. Start practicing by holding for 2 seconds and slowly increase to 10 seconds. This can promote pelvic blood circulation and help relieve pain. Symptoms of difficulty urinating in patients with prostatic hyperplasia.

Studies have shown that eating more cooked tomatoes (rich in lycopene), citrus fruits, and fish rich in Omega-3 fatty acids such as mackerel and salmon can help improve the condition of prostate hyperplasia.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that improper sexual life will lead to “fatigue”, consumption of kidney essence, and may affect urination or obstruction. Therefore, from the perspective of health care, middle-aged and elderly people are advised to moderate their sexual life and avoid indulgence.

Influence on urination and vaginal discomfort

Frequent sexual stimulation can easily lead to frequent congestion of the prostate, which may hinder urination. Never think that if a man has sex but does not ejaculate, it will not have an impact on body functions. If the sexual excitement induced is not released properly, the prostate will be congested for a longer time, and he will be more likely to suffer from congestive prostatitis, which will affect the prostate. Discomfort during urination and vaginal discharge.

Improve symptoms of poor urination

For those who have difficulty urinating due to prostatic hyperplasia, it is more common for those with weak internal organs according to TCM syndrome. Dietary therapy can focus on warming and nourishing the spleen and kidneys, combined with promoting qi and blood circulation, and improving the function of the bladder to convert water into liquid, thereby improving the symptoms of poor urination. It is recommended to drink Wuzhi Peach, Eucommia and Walnut Lean Meat Soup.


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