Tianjin University Aier Eye Hospital successfully completed difficult strabismus correction surgery


  Eyes are an important window for us to see into the world and perceive beauty, but surprises always catch people off guard.2022Year10In August, Mr. Yang was in a car accident. The temple of his spectacles was pierced into his eyeball, causing lens opacity, retinal detachment, traumatic strabismus and many other eye problems in his right eye. He also lost vision in his right eye, with only a little light perception left, and he also had a super strabismus. It is serious and affects the appearance very much. I can only wear sunglasses when going out.

  Mr. Yang’s right eyeball suffered from blepharoptosis and severe conjunctival scarring, which made strabismus correction surgery extremely difficult. He sought medical treatment many times without success.2024Year4moon1On that day, Mr. Yang came to Tianjin University Aier Eye Hospital to seek help. Dr. Wu Lina from the Department of Strabismus and Pediatric Ophthalmology performed a detailed examination on Mr. Yang and was diagnosed with paralytic strabismus in the right eye. Due to the complex eye condition, Director Zhu Lina of Tianjin University Aier Eye Hospital led the strabismus and pediatric eye disease team to examine Mr. Yang. After repeated research and deliberation on the results and eye conditions, a personalized surgical plan was finally formulated.

  Dean Zhu Lina isNationally renownedStrabismus, amblyopiawith a pediatric ophthalmologist,Member of the Standing Committee of the Strabismus and Pediatric Ophthalmology Branch of Beijing Ophthalmology Society,Engage in clinical work in ophthalmology40RemainYears of experience in diagnosing and treating various difficult and complex strabismus.During the operation, Dr. Zhu adjusted the eye position several times based on the actual situation. After more than an hour of surgery, Mr. Yang’s right eye position finally returned to normal.

  Mr. Yang said during the review:“Thanks to Dean Zhu Lina and the strabismus and pediatric eye disease team of Tianjin University Aier Eye Hospital for their superb medical skills. Strabismus in my right eye has been a problem for me for more than a year. I can no longer go out wearing sunglasses. Thank you so much.”

  Dean Zhu Lina said:“Mr. Yang due to a car accidentcausing extraocular musclesparalysis,AppearSevere eye painsquint,can only rely onOperationAfter correction, Mr. Yang’s right eye has now returned to its normal position. I am also very happy that I have lived up to the earnest expectations of Mr. Yang and his family.

  It is understood that the Department of Strabismus and Pediatric Ophthalmology is one of the key disciplines of Tianjin University Aier Eye Hospital. Dean Zhu Lina leads a team dedicated to clinical research and education and teaching of various strabismus correction surgeries, and constantly improves the construction of a talent team, which is very important for the treatment of trauma. He has rich clinical experience in sexual strabismus, common esotropia, common exotropia, paralytic strabismus caused by diabetes or neurological diseases, and congenital paralytic strabismus. We insist on providing high-quality diagnosis and treatment services, carefully guard the window of each patient’s soul, and bring light and hope to more patients with eye diseases.


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