The movie “Mohe Ballroom” is officially approved, and the love story that is popular all over the Internet will be on the big screen


On February 17, the official website of the National Film Administration announced the latest batch of film projects that have completed the filing and approval. Among the 127 films in total, the love movie of the same name based on the true story behind the hit song “Mohe Ballroom”—— “Mohe Ballroom” is among them, and this is the first time that the outside world has learned about the film, including the screenwriter and the outline of the story.

According to the public information, the movie “Mohe Ballroom” was approved by Jiangsu Province, and the filing unit is Blue Diamond Culture (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. The screenwriter is the author of “Dear”, “Chinese Partner”, “Win the Championship”, “My Motherland and Me” Zhang Ji, the famous screenwriter of many films. The story mainly tells that in the 1980s, Zhang Dequan, a young man from Suzhou, went to the branch of Mohe and fell in love with the innocent and kind Kang Yuru. The vast forests, snowy trees and silver flowers in Daxing’an Mountains, tall watchtowers, and secret low warehouses all belong to their unique romance. However, a huge forest fire brought all the good things to an abrupt end…


“I have never seen a village where the aurora appears, nor have I seen anyone setting off fireworks late at night…” A song “Mohe Ballroom” has become popular all over the Internet in recent years, and it is a short video platform that has a single topic with over 5.5 billion views A phenomenon-level hit, Zhou Dongyu, Zhu Yilong, Liu Haoran and dozens of stars collectively sang the cover, and the popularity is outstanding.

Behind the popularity of “Mohe Ballroom” is actually the epitome of contemporary people’s loneliness. This is a fast-paced era. It is fast enough to meet someone in a few minutes and talk about an irresponsible love, but there is no way to be dedicated and affectionate. The loyal love of the older generation is so yearning for us, but today’s people have already drifted away.

The creator of this song, Liu Shuang, is called a “poet of music” by netizens. With the melody weeping, he will tell a touching story behind the fire in Daxing’an Mountains in 1987—after Kang’s unfortunate death. , Zhang Dequan never remarried. In the Mohe ballroom, he was alone, dancing the dance steps his wife loved back then. For more than thirty years, he has been waiting for the two of them forever, as if she had never left.

Only this life, only this one person’s steadfastness, the suffering has passed, and the vicissitudes of the world’s great vicissitudes. The purity and beauty in the prototype story of “Mohe Ballroom” moved hundreds of millions of people. From the perspective of the film market and audience expectations, this is Among the projects filed and approved in the same batch, it is a work worthy of attention.


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