Shen Mengchen’s “Send a Hundred Girls Home” New Year’s special group Friends Bureau responds to rumors of marriage change and bluntly says that there is no need to prove happiness



Sohu Video’s female urban emotional observation reality show “Send a Hundred Girls Home” Spring Festival special will be launched this week for the third and fourth episodes. The host and actor Shen Mengchen will also start her Spring Festival as the second guest New Year’s trip home. She has been working and living in Changsha for a long time and will return to her hometown Jishou to reunite with her childhood friends whom she has not seen for 20 years, reproduce her childhood photos, and look back on the youthful years that everyone shared. Reuniting with old friends and neighbors, Shen Mengchen not only recalled past experiences, but bluntly said that it was not easy for him to grow up; he also responded positively to the rumors of marriage changes and showed his happiness in front of the camera.

  Shen Mengchen became the first “girl who sent herself home” to invite old friends to reunite but encountered “empty city plan”

Because the observer Ding Dingzhang suddenly felt unwell before the recording and failed to complete the recording, Shen Mengchen became the first guest to send himself home in the six years since the program started. Although the lack of Ding Dingzhang’s company is a bit regrettable, Shen Mengchen is still very excited when he mentions going home. Shen Mengchen left Jishou for his studies when he was 13 years old, and rarely returned to Jishou due to reasons such as studies and work. He hadn’t seen his childhood friends for twenty years.

Shen Mengchen set up a WeChat group chat one month in advance, inviting childhood friends to join the group, looking forward to reenacting the group photo taken twenty years ago with them. Without notifying the specific time, she planned to launch a “surprise attack” to surprise everyone. But unexpectedly the next day, Shen Mengchen suffered setbacks one after another, and his two home visits were all in vain. Although some friends rushed back to Prime Minister Auspicious for the gathering, some said they were too busy with work to come. “Group photo application” has been rejected again and again, can Shen Mengchen’s reprint wish come true?

  Shen Mengchen’s reunion with old friends admitted that it is not easy to grow up and respond aggressively to rumors of marriage change

It was a rare time to get together, and the old friends also asked when Shen Mengchen will hold the wedding ceremony, and invite everyone to have a wedding wine? Shen Mengchen expressed that she would do it as soon as possible, and invited her “mother’s family” to attend together. She also took this opportunity to respond to rumors of a marriage change, saying that she and Du Haitao are living a good life now, and her relatives and friends don’t need to believe the rumors on the Internet, and she doesn’t need to do anything to prove to the outside world that she is happy.

In the show, Shen Mengchen also returned to her old house in Jishou and found many old things with special significance, such as magazines where she was the cover model. Shen Mengchen said that when he was a child, he liked to read fashion magazines and imitate the outfits in them, but he did not expect to become the cover girl of fashion magazines a few years later. Later, she and her old friend dug out the diary full of memories. Shen Mengchen even revealed on the spot that the signature on the diary came from the host Li Xiang. At that time she was her idol, now she is her colleague. Holding the notebook from that year in his hand, Shen Mengchen was filled with emotion for a moment.

Shen Mengchen, who returned to Jishou, reunited with her childhood friends. Working and living in different environments, how would they view each other’s choices today? What growth stories did Shen Mengchen tell at the party that belonged exclusively to them? Tonight at 18:00, all the highlights will be in the Spring Festival special of Sohu Video “Sending One Hundred Girls Home”. Go on a 20-year date with Shen Mengchen and see their friendship years together.


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