The aunt picked up the mobile phone and used password-free payment to wipe out her balance, which caused heated discussion!


Today, an entry titled #aunt picked up a mobile phone and used password-free payment to wipe out the balance# was on the hot search list on Weibo, arousing heated discussion among netizens.

According to domestic media reports, a 60-year-old aunt in Luzhou, Sichuan found that her phone did not have a lock screen password after picking up someone else’s phone.I saw that the change in WeChat was more than 5,100 yuan, so I spent all the money in WeChat.Eventually he was caught by the police.

According to the report,This aunt went to the clothing store and scanned the code 8 times to make purchases (WeChat password-free payment supports direct payment for a single order of less than or equal to 1,000 yuan, and there is no need to enter a password for confirmation during the payment).Turn off your phone after spending all your WeChat change.

In this regard, some netizens said: “Auntie knows too much. Not only does she know that the password is free within 999 yuan, but she also knows that she can ask the boss to swipe the card 5-6 times without having to enter the password each time.” “So I never open the password-free account.” “Secret payment”.

Have you enabled password-free payment on WeChat/Alipay? If you have enabled it but want to turn it off, continue reading below.

  How to close WeChat password-free payment:First open WeChat, select “Me” in the lower right corner, click “Service”, then click “Receipt and Payment”. After entering the page, click “…” in the upper right corner, and then “Pause Service” below. Enter the password to close password-free payment. .

  How to close Alipay password-free payment:Click “My” on Alipay, select “User Protection Center”, and click “Password-free Payment/Automatic Deduction” to view or cancel the activated merchant automatic deduction service.

It should be noted that most young people’s mobile phones are equipped with digital passwords or biometric passwords such as facial recognition and fingerprint unlocking, but elders may not set passwords for convenience. Once the mobile phone is lost, it may be stolen.

Therefore, it is still recommended that everyone set a password for the smartphones of elders at home to protect privacy and property security.


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