Take a look at this consumption tip about marine fish and freshwater fish


On August 31, the Market Supervision Bureau of Zhangdian District, Zibo City, Shandong Province issued consumption tips, introducing how to buy seawater fish and freshwater fish. Regarding seawater fish, the market supervision department gave you two popular concepts: DHA and EPA. The scientific name of DHA is docosahexaenoic acid, and the scientific name of EPA is eicosapentaenoic acid. They are two important components of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which can prevent cardiovascular diseases and promote brain development. These two fatty acids have multiple benefits for adults, such as lowering blood lipids, improving blood circulation, inhibiting platelet aggregation, and preventing atherosclerosis and thrombosis. In addition, DHA is also an indispensable nutrient for infant vision and brain development.

People often mistakenly believe that only sea fish contain DHA and EPA. In fact, freshwater fish is also a good source of these two important fatty acids that benefit the brain and body.

EPA and DHA levels in marine and freshwater fish species.profile picture

Salmon has the highest DHA and EPA content, and 20g per day can meet human needs, but the price is relatively high; sea bass is the most suitable high-fat fish species among freshwater fish.

The Market Supervision Bureau of Zhangdian District, Zibo City reminds consumers:

Although fish products are rich in nutrition and delicious in taste, all fish products contain parasites and bacteria, which are relatively heat-resistant and need to be heated at high temperature or treated with acetic acid to kill them. When eating, consumers should heat it at high temperature and do not eat it raw. If it is not handled properly or eaten in an improper way, it will cause food poisoning.

When buying fish products in the market or eating fish products outside, pay attention to distinguish the freshness of fish products. First of all, it depends on whether there are obvious spoilage or abnormal sensory properties. Secondly, you can further judge whether the food is fresh by observing whether its color is normal, and whether it is elastic by pressing.

When consumers have typical food poisoning symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea after eating fish food, they should go to the hospital in time. Incident investigation and handling.


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