Renewal of commercial carriers promotes overall upgrading of business districts


  Tianjin Northern Network News:Since the beginning of this year, the city’s business system has coordinated the expansion of domestic demand and deepened the supply-side structural reform, continued to promote the “three quantities” work of revitalizing stock, cultivating incremental growth, and improving quality, strengthened the docking of commercial complex construction scheduling and investment promotion, and continuously optimized the “circle and street” work. “, buildings, stores, and Internet” spatial layout, focusing on building a dynamic and high-quality business district to better optimize consumer supply. In 2024, 10 large-scale commercial complexes will open their doors in our city, including three new complexes including Longfor Tianjin Meijiang Tianjie, Aokangda (Tianjin) Famous Car Plaza, Tianjie Commercial Plaza, as well as TEDA Hui, Haiguang MALL, Long Seven idle carrier revitalization projects, including Yuecheng, Kaiwenhui, Hangu Wanda Plaza, Dacheng Plaza, and Yuedong Plaza, have added a total of 910,000 square meters of commercial area, settled more than 800 merchants, and created 12,000 jobs.

  Take multiple measures to revitalize the stock

Focusing on the renewal of commercial carriers, the Municipal Commerce Bureau has held investment promotion meetings for key commercial projects in the city for three consecutive years, organized companies to hold special investment matchmaking meetings in Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong and other regions, and worked with relevant departments to formulate plans for investment promotion of small western-style buildings, revitalization of idle buildings, Policies such as community business allocation specifications and guidelines. Among the newly opened commercial complexes in 2024, 70% will be idle carrier revitalization projects. Projects such as Haiguang MALL and Yuedong Plaza in Nankai District, renovation and upgrade of Kaiwenhui in Hebei District, and Hangu Wanda Plaza in Binhai New District are all located in the city’s traditional core business district. Under the joint promotion of the urban area, through the introduction of professional operators and renovation and renovation, the overall upgrade of the business district will be promoted and a more comfortable shopping environment will be provided to consumers.

 Improve quality and efficiency, cultivate increment

Adhere to planning guidance and quality upgrading, and invite well-known consulting companies, domestic and foreign business associations, leading operators, brand owners, etc. to visit Tianjin. We are committed to injecting new consumption scenarios into traditional commercial carriers and stimulating potential consumption. Hongqiao District will revitalize the idle carriers of Dacheng Plaza in phases and introduce the 28,000-square-meter Dacheng Wanxi New Energy Vehicle Exhibition Center and some supporting businesses to create a new landmark for new energy vehicle consumption. In addition, our city is building or renovating and upgrading more than 20 high-quality commercial projects such as Guojin Shopping Center, Jinyu Mansion, MTR Tianyue MALL, DX Youth Center, and Guangqi Commercial Complex, which are expected to be unveiled in succession from 2025 to 2027. , it will inject new momentum into accelerating the improvement of urban vitality, building an international consumption center city, and promoting high-quality economic development.

 Integrated development improves quality

Promote various projects to continue to enrich consumption formats, improve consumption quality, promote consumption upgrading, strengthen integration with cultural tourism, fashion technology, creative experience and other elements, continue to activate local consumption and attract consumption in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. Longfor Tianjin Meijiang Street is the first commercial project of Longfor Group in Tianjin, with a total commercial volume of 128,000 square meters. It innovatively creates a full-circle sports venue, a full-time dining and social space and an all-media digital art atmosphere scene; MALL, as the main store of TEDA Hui, has officially opened on March 16, creating a new business model based on “integration of digital and real”, bringing an immersive shopping experience with “home scene” as the core; Aokangda in Wuqing District ( After completion, Tianjin Famous Car Plaza will become the largest second-hand car trading landmark in North China, radiating to the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and even the entire northern auto market.


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