Qingting Acoustic Screen Directional Sound Product Acoustic Screen F1 launched in the United States ks crowdfunding will be launched soon


The innovative black technology sound gathering screen F1 Focusound Screen fully transparent screen directional speaker originally developed by Suzhou Qingting Acoustics Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Qingting Acoustics”) will be launched on Kickstarter in the United States.

Qingting Acoustics was established in March 2015, focusing on directional sound technology and applications, and launched Focusound Screen, a sound-gathering screen with directional sound technology. The core members of the team come from the Technical University of Denmark, the Institute of Acoustics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the University of Science and Technology of China, Nanjing University and other core scientific research institutes. The technical personnel account for more than about 70%, and more than 95% of them have bachelor degree or above. In terms of patented technology, Qingting Acoustics has more than 250 patents in China, the United States, and France.

The sound-gathering screen is the original technology of Qingting Acoustics. It uses transparent composite polymer film materials to establish a micron-level three-dimensional microstructure sound unit. At the same time, Qingyin Acoustics has self-developed a multi-channel sound radiation signal processing algorithm and proprietary hardware, combining software and hardware to realize directional sound generation on the screen.

Technology Empowers New Voices 6 Highlights of Black Technology Take a First Look

Independent exclusive sound zone

Directional sound “black technology”, enjoy a private sound field

Cross-border audio and video fusion

360° flexible adjustment, immersive sense of presence

Immersive Listening Experience

No need to wear headphones, with shocking spatial sound effects

Thin and compact

The weight of a mobile phone, build an exclusive sound field anytime, anywhere

Innovative multi-scenario applications

Technology empowers life and satisfies the imagination and exploration of the future

New assistive hearing technology

Multi-channel compensation algorithm to help the elderly hear clearly

Qingting Acoustic Sound Gathering Screen makes full use of its own screen directional sound generation technology, bringing bolder acoustic exploration and immersive innovative listening experience, while improving the privacy of the overall personalized sound, it realizes the upgrade of technological empowerment industrialization .


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