Qi Fuli fragrance series color contact lenses, add “atmosphere” to self-confidence


  Nowadays, for sophisticated young people, complete makeup needs not only lipstick, eyeliner, eye shadow, etc., but also colored pupils for embellishment. It has gradually become a consensus among young people today that incomplete makeup is not complete without colored pupils. Colored pupils adjust the pupil color by modification, which can increase the completeness and delicacy of the makeup, and add points to the overall appearance. In recent years, as young people have more and more diverse makeup needs, the demand for colored pupils has also increased. How to better meet the needs of young people for color pupils has also become a challenge for the color pupil brand. Against this background, Qi Fuli also brought a series of color contact lenses.

  GIVRE is a high-quality cosmetic color contact lens brand originated from Japan. Has been committed to bringing consumers a comfortable and comfortable wearing experience. The product has a smooth and multi-gradient design, and incorporates non-ionic lenses to protect the eyes. The proprietary 3D color coating technology can completely cover the dye in the lens material, lock Color does not fade. At present, GIVRE products include seven series: Classic Series, Monet Garden Series, Versailles Rose Series, Travel Series, Soft Mist Series, Fragrance Series, Shining Warm Joint Series.Among them, the latest fragrance series boldly and innovatively integrates the concept of fragrance into the color contact lenses, bringing you a richer eye color experience.There are two types of Kivly fragrance series: daily disposable and monthly disposable. The daily disposable colors include hearth fir gray, nascent rose brown, orange color camouflage brown and dreamcatcher twilight brown. Among them, Dreamcatcher Twilight Brown and Hearthside Fir Gray have received wide attention and love since their launch.

  The hearthside fir gray uses dark gray as the outer ring, which can highlight the depth of the eyes. The inner ring uses warm brown half-moon highlights, adding a little warmth. The overall color rendering is just right, not abrupt, and the pupil melting effect is also good , high-cold and temperamental.

  Dreamcatcher Twilight Brown uses a romantic pink-brown base to blend into the pupils naturally. At the same time, it also incorporates some fine sparkles, like stars across the night sky, making the eyes more transparent and flexible. The upper eyes are gentle and dreamy, and they are carefully crafted, which is full of eye-catching.

  The Qi Fuli fragrance series has created a variety of exquisite patterns and colors, giving confidence to the color of the eyes, and also providing a variety of choices for creating different and more atmospheric makeup.


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