Ouxia?Mediterranean accelerates the development strategy layout of “one city, one sea” according to local conditions


Check in the time corridor of Ouxia·Mediterranean (Shanghai Xinzhuang Subway Station Branch), go to Ouxia·Mediterranean (Guilin Xiangshan Park Branch) for a romantic proposal at the Aegean Sea, and stay at Ouxia·Mediterranean Hotel (Zhangzhou Changtai Hyatt Plaza) store), went to the ancient city of Zhangzhou to see the “sea”… This is one classic industry model after another created by Ouxia·Mediterranean Hotel according to local conditions.

With the help of Mediterranean culture + landmarks, Ouxia·Mediterranean Hotel integrates different modular characteristic products with the project’s own characteristics and surrounding customer groups into different projects, creating one after another new scenes with social check-in attributes.

It is reported that Ouxia·Mediterranean, founded in 2019, is the first innovative hotel brand carefully crafted by Jinjiang Global Innovation Center (GIC). The Ouxia·Mediterranean Hotel, which perfectly reproduces the “Mediterranean” leisure and vacation experience, uses blue and white Mediterranean tones, olive green brand main colors and other romantic natural elements as the cultural base to form a unique “Mediterranean” living space, and at the same time is supplemented by extremely The healthy food with rich “Mediterranean” characteristics perfectly reproduces the “Mediterranean” leisure and vacation experience for the majority of tourists.

Analysts in the industry believe that by creating differences between hotels with modular and characteristic products, Ouxia·Mediterranean can increase product premiums while meeting consumer needs, and further enhance the product competitiveness of hotels.

Compared with other hotel brands, Ouxia·Mediterranean has a unique cultural mechanism and brand tonality. Since its opening, it has not only deployed to Shanghai, Guangdong and other provinces and municipalities, but also launched the “one city, one sea” development strategy. Accelerate the pace of its national layout.

The deployment of the market development of “one city, one sea” has also given Ouxia·Mediterranean its own distinct label. Linking mountains and rivers with the sea (such as the combination of Guilin), will also promote the perfect integration of islands and seas (such as the combination of Nan’ao Island), cities and seas (such as the combination of Qingdao) in the future, and make Ouxia·Mediterranean famous.

In addition, relying on the group’s advantages of “one center and three platforms”, Ouxia·Mediterranean not only assists in the continuous iteration of products according to market demand, but also brings value to investors and realizes the optimization of resources and management. Not only that, Ouxia·Mediterranean Hotel Children has obvious advantages in decoration aesthetics, product functions, innovation premium, cost reduction and efficiency increase.

It has achieved good development according to local conditions, and the development strategic layout of “one city, one sea” has been accelerated. Ouxia·Mediterranean provides a new direction for the profit model of subsequent hotels, and gradually grows into a new benchmark for hotel development.


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