Ouxia? Mediterranean tells the “city story” well with the “Mediterranean” life scene re-engraving experience


Once upon a time, “Internet celebrity check-in” became a new entertainment pastime for people, and Internet celebrity check-in spots have also been launched all over the country. And the “Aegean Sea” themed roof of Ouxia Mediterranean Sea (Guilin Elephant Trunk Hill, Liangjiangsihu Dongxixiang Branch) has also been promoted to the hotel’s Internet celebrity check-in point, attracting many consumers to go there.

Ouxia·Mediterranean (Guilin Elephant Trunk Hill, Liangjiangsihu East and West Alley Store) “Aegean Sea” themed roof reproduces the “Mediterranean” life scene experience, here not only has the world-renowned “Mediterranean” healthy food, but also provides consumers with olives Oil series light food, Greek yogurt series desserts, flavored pizza and other “Mediterranean” characteristic traditional food. In addition, Ouxia·Mediterranean (Guilin Elephant Trunk Hill, Liangjiangsihu Dongxixiang store) also uses hand-knitting, essential oil handmade soap making and other experience activities to deeply restore the scene of “Mediterranean Gathering Life”.

As the consumption level of the domestic people continues to increase, the demand for tourism consumption continues to upgrade and become increasingly diverse. Consumers’ demand for hotels is not limited to staying for one night, but they hope to obtain a unique “holiday feeling” through different experiences and services between hotels.

In order to meet consumers’ ever-increasing individualized and diversified tourism consumption needs, major hotel brands have continuously launched high-quality holiday products, aiming to remain invincible with product iteration and upgrades.

Ouxia·Mediterranean takes advantage of the compound Mediterranean leisure vacation experience to allow consumers to experience the authentic Mediterranean lifestyle in China. A clear breakthrough direction was found in homogeneous competition.

Not only in Guilin, Ouxia·Mediterranean will also promote the deployment of market development with “one city, one sea”, and promote the combination of “island and sea” and “city and sea” in Nan’ao Island, Qingdao and other places. The deepening of the brand concept and value has truly established a “Mediterranean” resort brand name card, drawing a blueprint for a more natural and harmonious life that redefines the city and vacation, and people and vacation, and further improves the vacation experience and industry standards.

From the point of view of people in the hotel industry, even well-known tourist cities have their own unspeakable pain points. Taking Guilin as an example, the biggest pain point is that the off-peak season is very obvious. Ouxia·Mediterranean combines the cultural elements of the “Mediterranean” style with the local area, not only tells the “city story” of Guilin in a unique style, but also provides a sense of the atmosphere of a better life for business and leisure travelers.

Today, Ouxia·Mediterranean (Guilin Elephant Trunk Hill Liangjiangsihu Dongxixiang Branch) has successfully created an online celebrity check-in hotel with its own traffic through the combination of “landscape and sea” elements, which stands out in the well-known tourist cities with fierce competition Encirclement, and become the pioneer in the hotel market.



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