OPPO releases the first full-link power management chip SUPERVOOC S, which will be world premiered on OnePlus Ace2


On February 3, OnePlus officially announced that OnePlus Ace 2 will be the world’s first launch equipped with SUPERVOOC S full-link power management chip, with a long-life version of the 100W super flash charging system and a large 5000mAh battery, with faster charging speed and longer battery life. The SUPERVOOC S chip is OPPO’s first full-link power management chip, and it is also the strongest power management chip in the industry. It realizes the full-link management of charging and discharging for the first time, bringing users a brand-new charging and battery life experience.

The new power management chip SUPERVOOC S is paired with the long-life version of the 100W super flash charging system, allowing OnePlus Ace 2 to be charged to 50% in 10 minutes, saying goodbye to power anxiety. While taking into account the charging speed, OnePlus Ace 2 also fully considers the battery life issue. It is equipped with a new smart charging engine, with rich functions such as temperature control mode, intelligent extreme speed mode, extreme cold mode, long-term charging protection and charging speed-up, etc., constantly refreshed The user’s charging experience, while superimposing a long-lasting 5000mAh large battery, OnePlus Ace 2 has achieved a balance between charging speed and battery capacity.

Li Jie, President of OnePlus China, said, “OnePlus Ace 2 has three chips – full blood version of Snapdragon 8+, professional rendering chip, SUPERVOOC S power management chip, which has become unprecedented in the same class.” Three-core ace”. In terms of performance, games, charging and discharging, etc., it can confidently bring users a veritable flagship experience. “In terms of performance, OnePlus Ace 2 is equipped with a full-blooded version of the Snapdragon 8+ flagship chip. The AnTuTu running score is as high as 1149494 points, breaking the record of the Snapdragon 8+ mobile platform and realizing the full-blooded performance. In terms of games, OnePlus Ace 2 is equipped with a super-frame super-picture engine and an exclusive customized professional rendering chip, which realizes a full 120-frame and super HDR picture quality experience for over a hundred games, allowing users to enjoy a game experience beyond the original.

OnePlus Ace 2 is committed to “making the flagship experience fully popular”. In addition to the three ace chips, it is also equipped with a number of exclusive self-developed “black technologies”: 1.5K Lingxi touch screen, bringing users industry-leading smoothness Tactile experience; using the same new generation of “ultra-high-performance graphite” heat dissipation material as OnePlus 11, with the newly developed heat conduction technology “Phase Change Graphene”, it has become the most heat-dissipating mobile phone so far; equipped with the industry’s first solution to weak network The technology of game experience in the environment – game cloud computing private network technology, allows users to play games without hindrance in various weak network scenarios such as subways and elevators.

The “new benchmark for performance phones” OnePlus Ace 2 will be officially released at 14:30 pm on February 7th, and reservation channels are now open for major platforms.


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