OnePlus 12 joins hands with “Wu Wang” Yu Shi to build imaging flagship phone


On November 28, OnePlus Mobile officially announced that popular artist Yu Shi will become OnePlus Video Creation Officer and will jointly witness the release of OnePlus 12 on December 5. As a masterpiece of ten years of transcendence, OnePlus 12 is the first digital flagship of OnePlus to be equipped with a “new generation of super light and shadow imaging system”. The imaging capabilities are created by the Find imaging team. The dual power of optics and algorithms has brought about comprehensive transcendence. Image of the Snapdragon 8Gen3 Pro model.

  With the role of “King Wu” in “Fengshen Part 1: Chaoge Fengyun”, Yu Shi set off the film industry and became a hot new screen star in 2023. In the film documentary, his pursuit of art and his own polishing left a deep impression on everyone. This attitude towards his works is in line with OnePlus’s brand philosophy. Li Jie, President of OnePlus China, said: “I saw that many fans and friends have guessed “The Return of King Wu”. That’s right, something new is out of the blue!OnePlus Image Creation OfficerSuitableYou will experience the “new generation of super light and shadow imaging system” with us, and use OnePlus 12 to capture more beautiful moments. “

As OnePlus Image Creation Officer, Yu Shi said: “I think the meaning of images is to transcend time and imagination, and use OnePlus 12 to record every moving story.”

OnePlus 12 is equipped with Hasselblad’s full-focus Super Light and Shadow imaging, which uses both optics and algorithms. Whether it is the hardware of the three main cameras of Super Light and Shadow, or the algorithm of the “new generation of Super Light and Shadow imaging system”, as well as the in-depth cooperation with Hasselblad. It has the strength to surpass the Pro level of its friends! It truly allows users to take pictures with clear details, vivid colors, and natural light and shadow, so that everything they see is a story.

In terms of optics, OnePlus 12 is equipped with a full-focus flagship three-main camera. It is the first to launch a new generation of flagship sensor LYT-808 jointly developed with Sony. The optical hardware and algorithm are co-designed to maximize the hardware capabilities; no potential, no flagship. , OnePlus 12 unswervingly chooses the ultra-light periscope telephoto, which is more expensive but offers a leap in experience, and has made a new optimization of the structure; OnePlus 12 ultra-wide angle is also a flagship specification, and it will never make up for it, bringing a It is the most powerful and comprehensive imaging hardware that surpasses the Pro level.

Not only does it have powerful optical hardware, OnePlus 12 also fully inherits the computational photography capabilities of the Find series and is equipped with a “new generation super light and shadow image engine” to bring users image performance with clear details, natural light and shadow, and vivid colors; combined with the industry’s exclusive ProXDR Photon matrix display technology fully restores the dynamic range and light and dark details of HDR photo materials, making the look and feel more vivid and outstanding.

At the same time, OnePlus 12 continues to deepen its cooperation with the legendary imaging brand Hasselblad. Through “Hasselblad Portrait Mode”, “Hasselblad Professional Mode”, and “Hasselblad Natural Color Engine”, the finished product quality is closer to that of a SLR camera, and the colors are restored to nature. Has a more advanced texture.

As a product that embodies OnePlus’s ten years of exploration, growth and persistence, OnePlus 12 will surpass Pro-level images and live up to users’ expectations for ten years of transcendence, creating a new peak in imaging.


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