New products such as black pepper and cashew nuts are on the line, Wolong will give you multiple experiences for taste buds


Generation Z is the main group that pays attention to snacks and buys them. Under the demand of young people to be healthy and delicious, healthy snacks have become an important trend in the market; at the same time, improving happiness and pleasure have become considerations in choosing snacks.

Corresponding to the increasingly rich demand, healthy and leisure snack enterprises represented by Qingdao Wolong Food Co., Ltd., in the process of product diversification, pay more and more attention to the innovation of taste, and based on consumers’ desire for healthier and more pleasant Targeted upgrades have been made to food demand.

Demand satisfaction is an important reason for consumers to pursue new products. As the first company in China to launch the “Daily Nuts” product and lead the nut industry onto a new track, Wolong has insight into the new pursuit of quality, exquisite and healthy snack food among young people, and innovatively launched the flavored “Black Pepper Cashew” product, which will Cashew nuts with plump grains and uniform size are combined with black peppercorns with unique flavor. Once launched, they have been loved by many consumers.

It is understood that this new product has fine-tuned “black pepper flavor”, which combines the sweetness of cashew nuts with the spiciness of black pepper, and the taste is fresh, sweet and spicy.

Take a bite, the black pepper grains explode in your mouth, and the pepper is crispy; after a short aftertaste, you can also taste the sweetness of cashew nuts. The mouth is crispy and the lips and teeth are fragrant, giving your taste buds a double experience and leading a new trend of health.

It is worth mentioning that, based on the previous experience of “Daily Nuts”, this black pepper cashew nut of Wolong also comes in quantitative small packages, allowing consumers to take it as they like, making it more convenient to eat, and it has become a daily snack for many people. .

The author noticed that the new product also provides consumers with freshness and social material. After the launch of this “Black Pepper Cashew Nut”, the rich taste also aroused consumers’ curiosity, inspired them to recommend each other on social platforms, and triggered sharing.

New product operation has become an important capability for brand growth. For Nawolong Foods, just looking at the subdivision track of flavored nuts, it has successively launched a variety of products such as green pepper cashew nuts, honey butter almonds, domineering durian cashews, cherry blossom and lychee-flavored almonds, etc., with new flavors and new textures. Innovation is rampant.

In fact, focusing on the core nuts and paying attention to consumers’ eating needs and taste choices, Wolong is focusing on the “nuts + X” strategy, insisting on multiple products, multiple scenarios, and multiple channels, and constantly innovating the product matrix.


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