Liucundao released the “White Paper on China’s Finishing Industry in 2022”, gaining insights into the hundreds of billions of finishing and storage industry


On February 3, 2023, Liucundao, Leju Home Furnishing and Sina Home Furnishing jointly released the “White Paper on China’s Finishing Industry in 2022”. This white paper aims to gain insight into the 100-billion-level tidying and storage industry, analyze the current situation and characteristics of Chinese tidying and storage practitioners and consumers from multiple dimensions, and provide detailed research data.

1. Farewell to nine-to-five: Young freelancers flood into the tidying industry

The white paper shows that the post-80s and post-90s are still the main force in organizing and teaching. The popularization of online education and changes in lifestyle attitudes have enabled more young people, even people over 40 years old, to break through time, region, age and other threshold restrictions, and enter the industry accurately and quickly. Career transformation, sideline realization and self-worth can all be organized to fulfill.

2. Small cities are also “popular”: the pursuit of a comfortable life concept, so that the urban area is no longer limited

The concept of family life style and quality has penetrated into the homes of residents in non-big cities. The market demand for sorting services has increased, which has also better promoted the employment of relevant personnel. The white paper mentioned that the growth rate of practitioners in third- and fourth-tier cities and northern cities has been extremely high, allowing local residents to enjoy the latest lifestyle services, narrowing the difference between the city size and the north and the south, and to some extent, realizing the anti-” Involve”.

3. Waves of Circular Economy: Finishing Industry Realizes Sustainability from Space and Time

The uncontrollable life brought about by the epidemic and the popularization of Internet technology have made consumers pay more attention to the experience of home life. How to maximize the value of space and objects and increase the density of happiness has become a life motif that people pay more attention to, and indirectly shifts the focus of the circular economy from recycling to reduction and reuse. ).

The organizer’s space planning has increased the storage space capacity, and the systematic arrangement of items has also increased the service life. “Making the best use of everything” has become a sustainable way of life in the new era.

4. The study of consumer psychology is on the agenda: the entry of a tidier depends on craftsmanship, and high income depends on charm

Social media has brought closer the contact between organizers and potential customers. Organizers can not only complete finishing services, but also expand multi-dimensional business sectors such as education and training, storage/home products, and market activities. Among them, for users who are accessible in the private domain, it is particularly important to have insight into the user’s interests, emotions, values, and life attitudes. Organizers can increase consumers’ social presence by creating recognizable and attractive personal IPs and using sales tools such as live broadcasts. Sense, mobilize the consumption mentality of users, so as to complete consumption decisions and achieve high income.

As a 100-billion-level industry, market growth is advancing in parallel with national policies. On September 28, 2022, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security announced the “Occupational Classification Ceremony of the People’s Republic of China”, which officially included “Sorting and Storage Teacher” into the occupational category of resident service personnel; In order to attach importance to it, the “Compulsory Education Labor Curriculum Standards (2022 Edition)” was released, and “organization and storage” was included as a task group of labor courses in the autumn semester, and included in the curriculum system of primary and secondary schools. The importance of organization and storage for future lifestyles cannot be overstated And metaphor.

The release of the “White Paper on China’s Finishing Industry in 2022” provides important reference and guiding significance for the rapidly growing finishing and storage market. The main contributor to the white paper, Liucundao, was founded in 2010. Over the past 13 years, as an industry pioneer and standard setter, it has three major business segments: It has cultivated a large number of outstanding talents for the entire industry and changed the lifestyle of tens of thousands of families.


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