Japan’s Toei Animation has been established for 66 years, opening a new sail for the Chinese market – creating a new musical comedy short animation “Spicy Sugar Sweetheart”



TOEI ANIMATION is a well-known veteran animation production company in Japan. It was originally named after Japan Animation Co., Ltd., and was acquired by Toei Co., Ltd. in 1956, making it an animation department under its umbrella, and then changed its name to Toei Animation Co., Ltd. In the 1990s, Toei Animation Co., Ltd. entered a period of rapid development, and actively participated in the management and exploration of animation production, film production, business sales and other routes. Made important contributions to the development of the Japanese animation industry.

Its production and broadcast include “One Piece”, “Dragon Ball”, “Sailor Moon”, “Digimon”, “Slam Dunk”, etc., and produced more than 450 TV movie animations. It is worth mentioning that Toei Animation not only has brilliant development achievements, but also attracts many famous artists to work, such as Tezuka Osamu, Miyazaki Hayao, Ko Hoon, Shibayama Nu, Otsuka Yasuo and other national treasure-level animation masters once took office Here, their existence not only brought brilliance to the animation industry, but also left a strong mark on the development of Toei Animation.

Looking at the future from cooperation, the development of Toei Animation in China

With the continuous development of China’s animation market and the emergence of excellent IP works, Toei Animation has also set its sights on the Chinese animation market. While promoting and authorizing the original popular animation IP, it actively carries out cross-border cooperation, and cooperates with all parties to develop distinctive animation IP images. It intends to expand its business to various fields related to animation and start a new starting point in China.

Recently, Toei Animation (Shanghai) launched a new music short animation “Spicy Sugar Sweetheart”, which is currently being played on the Internet. The entire animation consists of 30 brainwashing songs. It is reported that it is the first sincere work of Toei Animation after entering the Chinese market. From planning to production, editing, and music, etc., the Chinese and Japanese teams work together to create, with animation production as the origin, derived from sales, product authorization and other licensing business. The business segments are interconnected to create a new IP plan that reflects the life of Generation Z, shows the personality of Generation Z, and conforms to the consumption of Generation Z.

Music short animation “Spicy Sugar Sweetheart”–Tucao life with music

The new projects launched by Toei Animation in the Chinese market must also entrust Toei Animation’s beautiful and deep meaning of “delivering dreams and hopes to people all over the world”. The follow-up broadcast of “Spicy Sugar Sweetheart” will definitely be loved by Chinese audiences, and it will lay a good foundation for the development of Toei Animation in China!


“Spicy Sugar Sweetheart” production information

Chinese name: spicy sugar sweetheart

Original title: Spicy Candy

Production company: Toei Animation Happy Twist Man Man Amoy

Original Author: Ryosuke Aoike

Director & Character Design & Animation Supervisor: Ryosuke Aoike

Animation Production: Fever Creations

Producer: Udagawa Hideaki Zhao Yihua Wang Liang

Producer: Kasahara Hitomi is Jun Yao Yan Ning

Co-producer: Mayaki Saki, Ni Dazi, Wang Luxi, Chen Ju, Sun Huimin

Market Announcement: Li Zining Gu Jiayi

Music: Cikah

Chinese screenwriter: Wu Qingtong

Main Voice: Cikah Tekilen

Network Play: bilibili Douyin Kuaishou

Number of episodes: 30 episodes

Region: China Japan

Release Date: 2/14/2023


“Spicy Candy” (English name: Spicy Candy) is a 2D music animation jointly produced by Toei Animation, Happy Twist, and Manmantao, and created by Japanese director Ryosuke Aoike. The protagonist of the work is a girl named La Tang, who is good at discovering the little things around her, and composes them into music for complaints. The whole animation consists of 30 pieces of brainwashing music within one minute.

Character introduction

Name: spicy sugar

Handsome English name: Spicy

Birthday: 8/18

Likes: music, cats, handsome guys, pink hoodies, watching couples fight…

Dislikes: Every day when you can’t sleep late, spilled instant noodles, can’t sneeze…

Height, Weight: Confidential

Spicy Tang is a maverick, free-spirited cool GIRL.

He often takes a guitar with him and sings wherever he goes.

I will notice the little things around me and compose it into music for complaints. The lyrics are a bit cold but also sharp.

There is her disdain for the world, but also her enthusiasm for life.

She dreams of wealth and freedom, and looks forward to sweet love. However, he strictly implements laziness and cherishes the “living” in front of him.

Qi bangs and a pink hoodie are her standard accessories, and a cat named[Sweetheart]is by her side.

Have a crush on a boy.

Name: sweetheart

La Tang loves cats, and is often brought by La Tang’s side.


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