It’s better to eat the right meat than to eat less meat! 5 tips to keep in mind


Although you have to overcome your appetite to lose weight, you must consume meat. Animal foods such as fish, poultry, eggs and lean meat are an important part of a balanced diet. This type of food is rich in high-quality protein, lipids, fat-soluble vitamins, B vitamins and minerals, which are good for human health. However, some meats contain more saturated fatty acids and cholesterol, and excessive intake can increase the risk of obesity and cardiovascular disease.

Therefore, what kind of meat to eat and how to eat meat have become the key.

Which kind of meat is healthier to eat?

Different meats have different characteristics

Fish, poultry, eggs and livestock meat are all animal foods. Which kind of meat should we choose to eat in daily life? Let’s first take a look at the nutritional characteristics of these foods.

1. Livestock meat: Contains vitamins and heme iron, but may increase the risk of obesity

Livestock meat generally refers to pork, beef, mutton, etc.

Livestock meat is rich in B vitamins and vitamin A, and is rich in heme iron that is highly absorbed and utilized. However, the fatty acid composition of livestock meat is mainly saturated fatty acids. Excessive intake of saturated fatty acids may increase the risk of obesity and cardiovascular disease. Risk of disease, etc.

2. Poultry: relatively low fat content

Poultry generally refers to chickens, ducks, geese, etc.

The fat content of poultry meat is lower than that of livestock meat, and the fatty acid composition is mainly monounsaturated fatty acid (oleic acid). Therefore, as long as you do not eat too much poultry meat, it generally will not increase the risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

3. Fish: rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which can prevent atherosclerosis

The fat content of fish such as croaker, hairtail, Spanish mackerel, crucian carp, carp, and cod is relatively lower than that of livestock and poultry meat.

Moreover, fish contains more n-3 series unsaturated fatty acids, such as DHA, which maintains the normal function of rhodopsin and promotes fetal brain development, and EPA, which prevents cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis.

4. Eggs: rich in protein

Eggs such as eggs, duck eggs, goose eggs, quail eggs, pigeon eggs, etc. are rich in protein and are superior to other animal proteins. Moreover, the fat, vitamins and minerals contained in eggs are mainly concentrated in the yolk, so don’t throw away the yolk when eating eggs.

How to eat meat?

5 tips to keep in mind

1. Control the total amount and spread out your meat consumption

The total amount of aquatic products, livestock and poultry meat that adults should eat per week should not exceed 1.1 kilograms, and the number of eggs should not exceed 7.

And these foods should be dispersed in various meals every day to avoid eating them together. It is best to have meat at every meal and eggs every day.

2. Small portion, cut into small pieces and cooked

When cooking meat, cut large pieces of meat into small pieces, slices or shreds before cooking to control your intake.

3. Eat out and eat less meat

Try to reduce the number of meals you eat out; if you eat out, try to mix meat and vegetables, keep it light, and try to use fish and soy products instead of livestock and poultry meat.

4. Cook meat properly

When cooking meat, avoid frying, frying, grilling, etc. It is recommended to use steaming, boiling, stewing, and stewing. For example, steamed fish, stewed chicken, etc. are all good choices.

If you make soup, you need to drink the soup as well as eat the meat. At the same time, cook meat lightly, add an appropriate amount of cooking oil and salt, use as little or no sugar as possible, and add less spicy and other irritating seasonings.

5. It is best not to eat these meats

Eat less highly processed meat products. In addition, smoked and cured meats contain some carcinogens, which can increase the risk of certain tumors. It is recommended to eat less or not at all.

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(Editors: Li Huibo, Sun Na)

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