Is uterine effusion detected during pregnancy, do I need treatment?


Many couples who have been trying to conceive for a long time finally conceived, but during the B-ultrasound examination in the first trimester, they were prompted with “uterine effusion” or “fluid next to the gestational sac”, which made many pregnant mothers panic. Some said that this kind of situation should not be taken care of at all, and the effusion will disappear gradually; some said that it must be treated, otherwise it will cause a miscarriage! Is this really the case? In this regard, Director Wu Yulan of the Reproductive Department of Jinan Jiale Reproductive Hospital said: Both situations may occur, and the specific need for treatment depends on the nature of the effusion!

Seeing this, you may not be very clear. Don’t worry, follow Director Wu’s detailed explanation to see if you need treatment for the uterine effusion you encountered during pregnancy?

What is a uterine effusion?

Uterine effusion is the amount of liquid in the uterine cavity, such as: blood, pus and water. The symptoms shown by different people are also different. Some pregnant mothers do not feel any symptoms and carry the fetus normally; The latter situation will directly affect the health and mood of the pregnant mother.

Does uterine effusion during pregnancy affect the fetus?

The amount of physiological uterine effusion is generally relatively small, and there are no abnormal symptoms. Usually, it will not have a significant impact on health during pregnancy and fetal development. Generally, it can be absorbed by itself or with the help of drugs. Pregnant mothers need to pay attention to rest and do not overdo it. If you are tired, you can regularly review whether the amount of uterine effusion has decreased.

Pathological uterine effusion, in which there may be tissue fragments, microorganisms, endotoxins, inflammatory factors, oxidative stress products, etc., will have adverse effects on the fetus; and if the amount of uterine effusion is large, it will also affect the growth of the fetus. Development causes different degrees of harm. In these cases, it is recommended to go to the hospital for miscarriage treatment in time, and then follow up the absorption degree of uterine effusion.

What are the causes of uterine effusion during pregnancy?

Uterine effusion during pregnancy usually occurs in the first trimester. Physiological factors are related to the development of the conjunctiva of the uterus; pathological factors may be due to threatened abortion, uterine malformation, endometritis, pelvic inflammatory disease, vaginitis, Caused by factors such as insufficient hormone levels.

In daily life, how should pregnant mothers protect themselves?

1. Treat it correctly. If there is no abdominal pain, bleeding and other discomfort symptoms, pregnant mothers should not worry too much about this kind of uterine effusion. Generally, it will be absorbed by the fetus in the later stage;

2. Regular checkups and taking anti-fetal drugs under the guidance of doctors;

3. Pay attention to personal hygiene, develop a good habit of genital cleansing, and do not have sex in the first trimester;

4. The development of the fetus in the first trimester is relatively unstable, so pregnant mothers must listen to the doctor’s advice carefully and pay more attention to rest;

5. In terms of diet, try to avoid spicy, cold and other irritating foods, and drink less carbonated drinks.


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