Intel Arrow Lake running score exposure up to 21% increase in generational increase


According to the latest news, the latest leaked Intel internal presentation shows the performance prediction of Arrow Lake-S, up to 21% higher than i9-13900K.

After Intel released Raptor Lake Refresh this year and early next year as the fourteenth-generation Core desktop processor, the next-generation Arrow Lake desktop processor is expected to arrive in the fourth quarter of next year, of which the desktop version of Arrow Lake-S will use LGA 1851 The socket is replaced by the P-Core of the Lion Cove architecture, which will also be the main source of its performance improvement.

Intel Arrow Lake running score exposure up to 21% increase in generational increase

According to the latest news from Igor’s LAB, the latest leaked Intel internal presentation shows the performance prediction of Arrow Lake-S, and the comparison object also includes the upcoming Raptor Lake-S Refresh, both of which are 8P+16E configurations, Same as the current flagship Core i9-13900K. At the same time, the PL2 of Arrow Lake-S is 250W, which is not much different from the 253W of Raptor Lake-S Refresh.

Intel Arrow Lake running score exposure up to 21% increase in generational increase

According to the released data, the performance improvement of the fourteenth-generation Raptor Lake-S Refresh is not large compared with the existing Raptor Lake-S, about 1% to 4%. But if Raptor Lake-S is compared with Arrow Lake-S, the latter will probably be 6% to 21% higher than the former in different projects, but since this itself should be an improvement of two generations, the actual increase is also Not as big as imagined.

Intel Arrow Lake running score exposure up to 21% increase in generational increase

However, Arrow Lake-S also has a good bright spot. It uses the new Alchemist-based Xe-LPG architecture to run quite well, equipped with up to 8 Xe cores. According to the leaked data, its performance can reach up to 2.4 times that of Raptor Lake-S, and its performance is still quite good. The subsequent enhancement of Intel’s core display will also bring more processors to handheld products, thin and light notebooks and mini hosts. choose.


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