I took the wrong medicine and was hospitalized in the ICU for 7 days!Urgent reminder: Many people eat the wrong food


According to Fuzhou Evening News, not long ago, 65-year-old Yan Yibo from Fuzhou came to the emergency department of Fuzhou First General Hospital for treatment with the support of his son, Mr. Yan. On the day of the incident, Yan Yibo’s face was red and swollen, covered in rashes, and his eyes were squeezed into a line.

The emergency department immediately organized medical staff to carry out rescue treatment for drug anaphylactic shock, and then transferred him to the intensive care unit for hospitalization. After 7 days, he improved and was discharged.

And all this happened because the old man took one amoxicillin after catching a cold.

Isn’t this a “household anti-inflammatory drug”?

Under what circumstances can it be eaten?

What situations cannot be eaten?

I found that everyone has the same confusion

In many people’s understanding, amoxicillin is an anti-inflammatory drug. Many people take amoxicillin by themselves whether they have a cold, fever, headache, or inflammation in other parts of the body, leading to serious abuse of amoxicillin.

In fact, amoxicillin is not an anti-inflammatory drug. It is only effective for 6 diseases.

Amoxicillin is not an anti-inflammatory drug

There are only 2 real anti-inflammatory drugs

Anti-inflammatory drugs refer to drugs that eliminate the body’s inflammatory response, including steroid drugs (glucocorticoids) and non-steroidal drugs (common analgesics such as ibuprofen). Amoxicillin is not an anti-inflammatory drug.

steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Mainly glucocorticoids, the effects of this type of anti-inflammatory drugs are very complex and vary with different doses. They can not only affect the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the body, but also have very effective anti-inflammatory drugs. inflammatory effect.

In the early stages of acute inflammation, glucocorticoids can reduce local vascular congestion by constricting blood vessels. At the same time, they can inhibit the immune response of white blood cells, reduce the release of various inflammation-related mediators in the body, and improve the symptoms of inflammation.

In addition to anti-inflammatory effects, steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can also have anti-allergy, anti-shock and other effects, and have a wide range of effects.

nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are mainly non-steroidal hormones. The most common anti-inflammatory drug in daily life is ibuprofen, which has a certain effect on redness, swelling, heat and pain.

This type of drug can target swelling and inflammation, such as arthritis, tendonitis, etc. Essentially, when cellular inflammation occurs in the human body, it can help people reduce inflammation. Generally, drugs whose names contain bacteria, enzymes, and floxacin are antibiotic drugs.

Amoxicillin is an antibiotic

Only effective for 6 diseases

Amoxicillin is a common semi-synthetic penicillin broad-spectrum beta-lactam antibiotic that can penetrate cell membranes and achieve a bactericidal effect after being taken (antibiotics mainly inhibit and kill microorganisms).

Therefore, amoxicillin is not an anti-inflammatory drug, but an antibiotic, which can have a bactericidal effect and has no effect on ordinary inflammation!

Amoxicillin is mainly effective against 6 diseases↓

 ear, nose and throat infection

Otitis media, sinusitis, etc., but not effective for allergic rhinitis;

Urogenital tract infection

Urethritis, bacterial vaginosis, etc. are not effective against fungal vaginitis;

skin infection

Purulent skin tissue, etc. It is ineffective against skin diseases caused by fungi and viral infections;

lower respiratory tract infection

Acute bronchitis, pneumonia, etc., but is ineffective against viral pneumonia;

Helicobacter pylori infection

Not only amoxicillin is needed, but 3 or 4 antibiotics are needed at the same time;

acute uncomplicated gonorrhea

Precautions when taking amoxicillin

1. Special groups of people should avoid taking amoxicillin, such as pregnant women, lactating women, young children and the elderly.

2. People who are allergic to amoxicillin should be careful not to take it. They need to consult the drug’s allergy history before taking it. People who are allergic to penicillins or cephalosporins are not recommended to use it.

3. Take it with warm water. If the water temperature exceeds 60℃, amoxicillin will easily produce allergenic polymers, increasing the chance of allergies.

4. While taking amoxicillin, it is forbidden to eat spicy foods, such as peppers, garlic, mustard, etc., otherwise the efficacy of the drug will be reduced.

5. If amoxicillin is used without indications, it will lead to the emergence of drug-resistant strains. Once drug-resistant strains are generated, amoxicillin will no longer be effective when it is actually necessary to use it.

6. Long-term use of amoxicillin is prone to secondary infection.

7. The drug cannot be stopped at will. As a prescription drug, amoxicillin must be used strictly in accordance with the doctor’s requirements for a sufficient course of treatment before the drug can be stopped, otherwise the condition will recur.

8. Do not drink alcohol before or after taking amoxicillin.

Source: Guangdong Food and Drug Administration Fuzhou Evening News, “China’s Rational Drug Use Exploration” magazine, Sichuan Drug Supervision


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