How to Control Plaque During Orthodontics?Teach you how to clean your teeth


Dental plaque is a group composed of many kinds of bacteria, which has a strong organizational structure and the ability to resist foreign invasion. Dental caries and periodontal disease are common problems in the process of orthodontics, which can lead to treatment interruption in severe cases. Both of them are closely related to the control of dental plaque, and the key to the control of dental plaque lies in the patient.

How to prevent the formation of dental plaque? Patients are advised to brush their teeth carefully.

When brushing your teeth, try to let the bristles of the toothbrush extend into the area between the bracket and the arch wire to remove the plaque on the near, far and middle surfaces of the bracket. The strength of brushing teeth should not be too small, the selected toothbrush head should be small, and the bristles are of medium hardness. The occluded tooth surface under the wire can be cleaned with an interstitial brush, and dental floss can also be used to clean the gingival side of the brackets, gingival margins and band rings.

You can brush your teeth in two steps every day. Take brushing the upper teeth as an example. In the first step, put the toothbrush head at a 45° angle with the tooth surface and the occlusal surface and downwards, and clean the upper part of the teeth, that is, the gingival surface of the bracket; The brush head of the toothbrush rotates upwards, but still faces down at a 45° angle to the occlusal surface, mainly cleaning the lower half of the teeth, that is, the occlusal surface of the bracket and the gingival edge.

Interproximal cleaning can clean the sides of the brackets and near the contact points. We can use hard dental floss (or use a dental floss passer) to clean the interproximal space, thereby preventing interproximal caries and gingival papillitis.

Interdental brushes can help clean the adjacent surfaces of the brackets and large interdental spaces, and single-beam brushes or electric interdental brush heads can also be used to clean the positions where the teeth are not aligned.

Compared with ordinary manual toothbrushes, electric toothbrushes are more effective in removing plaque and controlling gingivitis in orthodontic patients, but the frequency and time of each use need to be guaranteed. It is recommended to use it at least twice a day for no less than 2 minutes each time.

In addition, toothpaste containing fluoride can reduce the regeneration of plaque between brushings and effectively prevent dental caries. I also want to remind everyone that reducing the intake of sweets and sticky foods can also help reduce the growth of plaque.

This article was scientifically checked by He Honghua, deputy chief physician of the Department of Hematology at the Affiliated Hospital of Guangdong Medical University.


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