Highlights of the “3.15” financial consumer rights protection education and publicity activities of China Pacific Insurance Company Tianjin Branch


In the spring of March, warblers are flying, grass is growing, and the phenology is new. During the 2024 “3·15” Consumer Rights Protection Education and Publicity Week, China Pacific Property & Casualty Insurance Tianjin Branch closely followed the theme slogan of the event “Financial consumer protection is by your side, protecting rights and interests and preventing risks” to build an “online + offline” Education and publicity system, carry out wide-coverage, multi-form and differentiated financial education and publicity activities, constantly practice the political and people-oriented nature of financial work, and effectively enhance the people’s sense of financial gain, happiness and security.

The company attaches great importance to this event, actively plays the role of external business stores, and establishes an educational and publicity position. This event was widely publicized to consumers by hanging banners, placing roll-up banners, printing promotional materials, and using electronic screens. The company also makes full use of the financial education publicity area to distribute carefully crafted original educational publicity materials to consumers, explaining financial knowledge to consumers in an easy-to-understand manner and improving consumers’ financial literacy.

Senior executives take the lead in setting an example and deepening service leadership

The company has established the CPIC Experience Service Officer system, in which the general manager serves as the branch experience service officer, and the heads of each business organization serve as the branch experience service officer. The company continues to strengthen the leading and leading role of service officers in the protection of consumer rights and interests. During the “3·15” event, the branch experience service officer team got close to consumers and served consumers through activities such as “Listening to Consumer Voices”, “General Manager Reception Day”, “Financial Executives Talk about Consumer Protection”, etc. Personally participate in financial education and publicity activities to promote a service culture in which senior executives set an example and managers take the lead.

Pay attention to key groups and carry out special activities

  The company pays full attention to the protection of the rights and interests of the “old, young, new and disabled” groups, and deeplyActively carry out “Five Entry” activities in rural areas, communities, campuses, enterprises, business districts and other areas. Interact with consumers through the distribution of promotional leaflets, “prize quiz” games, etc., and help consumers understand the eight rights and interests of financial consumers, prevent telecommunications and network fraud, and purchase insurance in an easy-to-understand language and in a fun and interesting way. Tips for avoiding pitfalls and other knowledge will focus on knowledge blind spots, consumption pain points, and risk prevention difficulties, provide timely knowledge explanations and risk warnings, and carry out targeted and differentiated education and publicity activities.

Online synchronous education and propaganda to improve prevention awareness

  The company has built an “online + offline” multi-dimensional education and publicity system based on local conditions, relying on digital and intelligent tools to promote financial digital transformation education and publicity, making full use of digital technology to expand the breadth and depth of educational publicity and services. During the event, the company’s official WeChat account, official website, APP, etc. successively launched the “case-based insurance” “Financial knowledge gas station, Brother Bao is waiting for you to fight“Insurance Education VR Exhibition Hall Interesting” and so on, through various forms of educational publicity and multi-channel publicity, we popularize financial consumption knowledge, publicize CPIC’s service initiatives, and create a healthy and harmonious financial consumption environment.



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