Haidilao is deeply involved in the field of food delivery, and continues to innovate and upgrade to lead the consumption of Sichuan-style hot pot.


In the catering market where offline consumption is gradually recovering, the takeaway track still occupies a large market share. Haidilao, a leading catering company, is leading Sichuan-style hot pot consumption by expanding its delivery business and exploring diverse delivery scenarios to meet customer needs.

In order to improve customers’ dining experience, Zhang Ying, general manager of Haidilao Community Operations Division, launched the “Wow Project” within the team to encourage everyone to actively understand customer needs in the process of serving customers and use creative and warm ways to meet the needs. , bringing customers a surprising experience.

At the same time, according to the scene needs and dining needs of different customer groups, Haidilao Community Operations Department carries out targeted hierarchical management, forming “Haidilao Happy Banquet”, “Haidilao Hot Pot Delivery”, and “Haidilao Meals” The business matrix satisfies more customer groups to achieve “Haidilao anytime, anywhere”.

The first is Haidilao Happy Banquet, which is suitable for important dining occasions. Haidilao will customize products and services according to customer needs, integrating deliciousness, convenience and thoughtfulness. In Haidilao hotpot delivery, a “meal assistance service” is also launched. Haidilao staff can go to the site to help customers arrange dishes, adjust pot bases, and clean up kitchen waste, etc. Haidilao’s meals come in the form of Maocai set meal, Bobo chicken set meal and a la carte dishes to meet the demand for “quality fast food for one person”.

In 2023, Haidilao Food Delivery also expanded its consumption channels and entered the young consumer group through live broadcast. Haidilao delivery can be seen in the live streaming rooms of Douyin, Meituan, and Alipay. In terms of products, Haidilao Food Delivery will also launch suitable products based on the eating habits and seasons of the region.

Haidilao Zhang Ying said that creating diversified delivery consumption scenarios and improving customers’ dining experience are the focus of Haidilao’s delivery business. Haidilao will continue to gain insight into user needs and allow customers to achieve the freedom of Haidilao anytime, anywhere.


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