Fuji X100V Launches Disney 100th Anniversary Edition Limited to 100 Units


Fuji X100V is currently hard to find in China, and the new price has been fired to more than 12,000 yuan. According to Fuji executives, if the world stopped ordering the X100V today, they would still have three months to ship all the X100V orders as of yesterday. But now, friends in Hong Kong may have a better chance to buy X100V.

On July 12, in order to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Disney, Fuji Photographic Equipment Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong) decided to launch the Fuji X100V Disney Special Edition, a limited edition of 100 units worldwide, each with an independent number, and the price is 14,999 Hong Kong dollars (approx. Total RMB 13734).

This price is not only the price of a single body, but the entire customized version also includes a full set of photography accessories, which is also a Disney customized version.

First is the packaging.All equipment is packed in a wooden hand-crafted box, which isSpecially cooperated with the local design studio Start From Zero to launch a hand-crafted cabinet-shaped special wooden box made of recycled wood. The camera model and Disney 100 logo are printed on the top of each box, which is exquisite and stylish. The box is divided into several layers, and each layer has a wooden “birth paper” printed with a corresponding number as a partition.

  The full name of this customized series is on the top of the box, It can be seen that the official full name of the joint customized version is: FUJIFLIM X100V DISNEY MICKEY AND FRIENDS COLLECTION.

In addition to the camera body, there is also a customized shoulder strap, which is made of linen material. The wide shoulder strap is designed in light brown, which matches the overall customization.

In addition, this custom version also includes a hot shoe finger rest and custom leather case. The words “FUJIFILM” and “DISNEY 100” are printed on the finger rest of the hot shoe through an etching process.

The Mickey Mouse pattern is also printed on the custom leather case to protect the camera custom pattern.

The whole set only costs RMB 13,700. With the domestic X100V market so hot, this price can be said to be quite conscientious, and such an exquisite design is also very valuable for collection.

At present, the machine only supports offline store reservations in Hong Kong. Friends who are interested and capable can go to the following three places to order.

1. FUJIFILM Studio (Room 1013, 10/F, Fort Wing, 311 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay)

2. Broadway Harbor City Branch (Shop 341, Level 3, Ocean Center, Harbor City, Tsim Sha Tsui)

3. LOGON Harbor City Branch (Shop 3002, Level 3, Gateway Arcade, Harbor City, Tsim Sha Tsui)


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