Folklore societies in many places live on Taobao, and talk about Spring Festival customs in the live broadcast room


One side kills pigs and cooks New Year’s goods, the other side writes Spring Festival couplets, makes New Year’s Eve flowers, and experts from the Folklore Society explain special New Year customs. During the Spring Festival this year, anchors and folklore societies from all over the world staged an online temple fair in the Taobao live broadcast room.

“The habit of drinking tea during the Spring Festival appeared in the Southern Song Dynasty at the latest. In the Qing Dynasty, the New Year tea custom became popular among the people. For example, “A Dream of Red Mansions” records that Xiren went home to eat New Year’s tea and temples held New Year’s tea ceremony and other activities.” On the evening of the 14th, Zhang Shuai, deputy director of the Tea Industry Research Institute of Zhejiang A&F University and director of the Zhejiang Folk Culture Promotion Association, shared the customs of Spring Festival tea in the Taobao live broadcast room.

Zhang Shuai said that China has had the habit of “respecting guests with tea” since ancient times. During the Spring Festival, when relatives and friends walk around, they should treat guests with good tea. It is required that “the tea should be full, the wine should be shallow, the wine should be full to respect people, and the tea should be full to deceive others”, “respect first and then humble, first old and then young, first guest and then host”, reflecting the Chinese tradition of respecting the old and loving the young, and respecting guests etiquette.

On the same day, Gao Wei, president of the Beijing Folklore Society, was also in the Taobao live broadcast room, where he gave a lecture on Spring Festival customs.

“Sweeping students, doing New Year’s goods, posting New Year’s goods, and eating New Year’s Eve dinner are the Spring Festival habits everywhere.” Gao Wei explained, for example, sweeping students is also called “Sweeping Dust Day”. In the custom of sweeping dust (also known as house sweeping), every household has to clean up their own home, wash all kinds of utensils, unpick and wash bedding and curtains, sweep the six Lu courtyards, shake off dirt and cobwebs, and dredge open channels and underground ditches.

(Experts from the Folklore Society talk live on Taobao about New Year customs)

This year’s Spring Festival, Taobao’s live broadcast is not closed. In addition to experts from the Folklore Society talking about New Year’s customs, there are also immersive New Year’s home decorations in the live broadcast room, country concerts, New Year’s Eve dinners and broadcasts, small New Year’s visits to the world, and New Year’s greetings and other activities. In addition, this year, the platform has also cooperated with many local governments to create a “New Year’s Shopping Street” in the “Live Live Future City” scene of the Metaverse, moving the folk-customized New Year’s shopping culture from offline to online.

A netizen left a message: “When I was young, I went to temple fairs in my hometown’s county town, and when I grew up, I went to online temple fairs in the Taobao live broadcast room.”


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