Excessive vitamin C causes kidney failure. Doctor: Drinking coffee can nourish the kidneys

Excessive vitamin C causes kidney failure. Doctor: Drinking coffee can nourish the kidneys


The doctor shared a case and pointed out that a woman took vitamin C every day and suddenly developed acute renal failure and needed to be hospitalized for treatment. The doctor further explained the cause of the woman’s illness and offered four ways to protect her kidneys, including drinking coffee.

Taiwanese nephrologist Jiang Shoushan said on the program “Healthy Night Call” that the woman drank vitamin C water-soluble tablets every day in order to whiten her skin and maintain her health. As a result, one day two years later, she suddenly became unable to urinate. After seeking medical treatment, she was diagnosed with acute Renal failure, later confirmed to be oxalic acid nephropathy caused by excessive intake of vitamin C.

Dr. Jiang Shoushan also explained the cause of the female patient’s illness, saying that she suffers from stage III chronic kidney disease and has about 50% to 60% of kidney function remaining, but the condition is still within control. However, she later took 2,000 mg of vitamin C every day. The excess vitamin C was metabolized in her body and produced a large amount of oxalic acid, which overloaded her kidneys and led to renal failure two years later.

4 tips to reverse kidney failure: Drinking coffee can nourish the kidneys

How to prevent kidney disease or kidney failure? Dr. Jiang Shoushan said there are 4 major methods that can reduce the burden on the kidneys and even reverse kidney failure:

Kidney protection method 1: Drink more water

  • Taking in enough water every day can reduce the concentration of toxins in urine, reduce damage to the kidneys, and prevent cardiovascular disease and kidney disease.
  • The recommended daily water intake for women is 2500 ml, and for men it is 3000 ml.

Kidney protection method 2: Control blood pressure, blood sugar, and blood lipids

  • High blood pressure, high blood sugar and obesity can easily lead to kidney failure. Avoiding high blood pressure, high blood sugar and high blood lipids is equivalent to protecting the kidneys in disguise.

Kidney protection method 3: Reduce kidney toxins

  • If you take painkillers, you should not take other medications because it takes your kidneys a long time to process the toxins from the medications. If you take medicine indiscriminately, it may increase the burden on the kidneys.

Kidney protection method 4: Drink coffee

  • Coffee can reduce proteinuria and reduce the risk of kidney failure. Coffee is a low-phosphorus and low-potassium drink, so even uremic patients can drink it. Drinking 2 cups of coffee a day can maintain kidney health.

Dr. Jiang Shoushan also pointed out that studies have found that extracted curcumin and melatonin are beneficial to kidney health. He once had a 90-year-old patient with kidney disease who felt uncomfortable with dialysis, so he switched to taking curcumin. As a result, his kidneys gradually became healthier, and the frequency of dialysis gradually changed from three times a day to no need for dialysis.

8 tips to prevent kidney disease and kidney failure. Be careful that high-calcium foods are harmful at any time.

How can I avoid getting kidney disease or kidney failure?According to the Hong Kong Hospital Authority, there are 8 major ways to help reduce the risk of kidney disease and chronic renal failure, such as being careful when eating high-calcium foods.


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