envy, jealousy, hate?Why Bill Gates Doesn’t Use an iPhone


Bill Gates has said several times that he prefers Android to the iPhone, and that apparently hasn’t changed. In a recent “Ask Me Anything” on Reddit, the Microsoft co-founder revealed that he hasn’t switched to an iPhone, nor is he using an iPad, Mac, or Microsoft Surface Duo.

Instead, Gates confirmed that he is using a Samsung Galaxy Z Fold4, which he received directly from Samsung Chairman JY Lee. Last year, Gates said he was using the Galaxy Z Fold3, apparently traveling to South Korea just to meet JY Lee and get his new phone.

Gates went on to say that the size of the Galaxy Z Fold4’s foldable screen means he doesn’t need to use a tablet. Instead, he just relies on his Android smartphone and his unnamed Windows-powered “portable PC.”

I have a Samsung Fold 4 that was given to me by Samsung Chairman JY Lee when I saw him update my Fold 3 in Korea. Of course, I use Outlook and a lot of Microsoft software. The screen size means I don’t use a tablet, just a phone and a laptop PC (a windows machine).

Gates didn’t elaborate on why he still favors Android over the iPhone. However, in a 2021 interview, Gates said that, at the end of the day, Android makers are “more nimble” when it comes to software integration. What he meant, he later explained, was, “Some Android manufacturers pre-install Microsoft software in a way that makes it easy for me.

This reasoning is a bit odd, since you can easily download Microsoft apps from the App Store on your iPhone. Gates also said that he does have an iPhone to try out, but it’s not a device he uses full-time.

Which smartphone does Bill Gates prefer

The OS doesn’t matter. Neither Apple nor Google needed Bill Gates’ endorsement to succeed. Still, people always seem interested in what Gates uses — and they often like to poke fun at his reasoning.

Maybe if Apple makes a foldable iPhone, they can convert Bill Gates to their side.


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