Emergency care starts from the heart, and ECMO drills are put into practice? Tianjin Third Central Hospital carries out a full-process drill for ECMO treatment


  Deeply study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important expositions on health work,Implement the Party’s health work plan for the new eraneedle, wholenoodlePromote the construction of a healthy China and notWe will continue to enhance the people’s sense of health gain, further improve the patient safety management system, standardize the emergency and critical treatment process, continue to improve service quality, improve the emergency handling capabilities of the ECMO team, and protect people’s health.

  Recently, the ECMO team of Tianjin Third Central Hospitalteam, CCU critical care team, emergency department, chest pain center, and training center jointly carried out emergency ECMO emergency drills. The drill simulated the actual situation of 120 patients with cardiogenic shock coming to the hospital under real conditions, which were divided into: patients entering the emergency rescue room directly, rescue in the emergency rescue room, conventional cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CCPR) after cardiac arrest, rapid activation of the ECMO team, and ECMO assistance. There are six parts: extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation (ECPR) treatment, and in-hospital transfer to the CCU after the patient has completed ECMO. After the exercise, Director Jiang Suwen of the Emergency Department, Director Cui Xiaoqiong of CCU, and Director Li Yanping of the Training Center made detailed comments and guidance on the entire exercise process. During the drill, the rescuers strictly followed standardized procedures and standard actions and carefully performed routine cardiopulmonary resuscitation, electric defibrillation and other first aid operations. The emergency rescue process was compact, the division of labor was clear, and various departments responded quickly. The ECMO team cooperated tacitly, activated it in 5 minutes, and completed ECMO precharging and transfer operations within 20 minutes. They implemented ECPR treatment for the patient in an orderly manner, maximizing the last chance of survival. hope. This emergency drill not only improved the emergency response skills and cooperation among medical staff in Tianjin Third Central Hospital’s ECMO team, chest pain center, emergency department cardiopulmonary resuscitation team, CCU critical care team and other medical staff, but also strengthened risk prevention awareness. It has improved its ability to respond quickly and deal with emergencies and be fully prepared for the treatment of possible critical and severe patients.

ECMO is the abbreviation of “extracorporeal membrane oxygenation” technology, which can completely or partially replace the heart and lung functions. In clinical practice, many critically ill patients have a sudden onset and rapid deterioration. The patient may have died before doctors can provide effective treatment. ECMO can win golden rescue time for the treatment of critically ill patients, so it is also called “follow-up”. “Death grabs time” technology. On the basis of critical cardiac diseases, Tianjin Third Central Hospital integrated resources from various disciplines, established an in-hospital “extracorporeal life support base” in 2010, established a multidisciplinary treatment team, and focused on exploring ECMO, mechanical ventilation, and blood purification as the core. Combined artificial organs jointly treat critical and severe patients, innovating treatment strategies and methods, and achieving good clinical and social effects.

In 2006, the ECMO team completed the first ECMO treatment in Tianjin; in 2009, the ECMO team completed the first ECMO-assisted cardiopulmonary resuscitation (ECPR) in Tianjin; in 2009, the ECMO team used ECMO to treat H1N1 patients internationally at the same time; in 2015, The ECMO treatment-related project led by Professor Li Tong won the “First Prize of Tianjin Science and Technology Progress Award”; in 2016, the team completed the ECMO transfer treatment of the first H7N9 patient in Tianjin; in 2017, the team completed the emergency ECPR treatment of an 83-year-old patient with sudden death from myocardial infarction. ; In 2020, the team successfully treated critically ill patients with COVID-19; in 2020, it was approved to establish the Tianjin ECMO treatment and training base, and routinely carried out treatment for patients with myocardial infarction and cardiogenic shock, fulminant myocarditis, and severe pneumonia under ECMO support. The treatment of ARDS patients, treatment of severe asthma patients, and ECMO-assisted inter-hospital transfer treatment have effectively reduced the mortality rate of critically ill patients and improved the level of critical care treatment in Tianjin.

In the past month, the ECMO team has completed ECMO treatment of 7 critically ill patients, including acute myocardial infarction combined with cardiogenic shock, septic cardiomyopathy, refractory shock after acute cardiac tamponade was relieved, and the transport of ARDS patients with severe pneumonia. Treatment, etc., the treatment capacity in a single month hit a record high!


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