[Doctors talk freely.Painted benevolence]2023 medical outlook is a year to restore the vitality of the country

[Doctors talk freely.Painted benevolence]2023 medical outlook is a year to restore the vitality of the country


2023 is the first year of the new government in power after the 15th general election in Malaysia.

The new Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Datuk Seri Anwar, submitted three motions in the House of Commons on December 20, 2022, including the approval of the 2023 development fund of about 107.7 billion ringgit, among which the most appropriation is finance Ministry of Education (RM28.12 billion), followed by the Ministry of Education (RM24.98 billion) and the Ministry of Health (RM17.05 billion).

This bill will come into effect on January 1, 2023. These expenses are mainly used for civil servant salaries, miscellaneous fees, scholarships, welfare assistance, education and medical services, as well as some ongoing development projects such as maintenance of schools, roads, hospitals and clinics and maintenance items.

Seeing that the new government is actively working hard to improve people’s livelihood, welfare and the economy, and seeing the Malaysian stock market and foreign exchange market gradually stabilize, it really makes people feel that Malaysia’s national fortune has been “reborn after the catastrophe”.

There is still room for improvement in the healthcare system

When it comes to my country’s medical outlook in 2023, the first thing to talk about is that the operation of the medical care system is a two-tiered health care system consisting of the government’s grassroots universal medical system and the private medical system.

In 2017, Malaysia was hailed as “the country with the best medical system in the world” by the US “International Living” in 2017. It is also the only Asian country in the top 10. has been greatly affected.

Due to the sudden increase in the number of new crown patients in a short period of time, the shortcomings of medical care were once exposed to the sun, and medical-related issues became the focus of public attention. People often see negative news about medical treatment in various media, such as shortage of beds in intensive care units, shortage of medical equipment and personnel, collapse of frontline personnel, “empty injection” incidents, illegal trafficking of contracts, strikes and protests by contract doctors, etc.

These incidents let us clearly know that there is still a lot of room for improvement in our country’s medical system. Fortunately, by the middle of 2022, the toxicity of the virus has gradually weakened, so the national government has adopted a strategy of gradually opening up to gradually open up the economy to connect with the world. It can be regarded as a recovery.

I believe that as long as everyone continues to cooperate with the government’s epidemic control strategy, coupled with the awareness of self-epidemic prevention, the operation of our medical system will be normalized faster.

Convenient digital medical network system

Although the epidemic has caught countries all over the world by surprise, the digital technology adopted during the epidemic has brought a lot of convenience to our lives. In addition to obtaining goods through online shopping in daily life, digital technology can also allow people to receive external information at home; Reduce the burden on frontline personnel.

In addition, digital technology can also allow the public to play a supervisory role in medical staff, creating a good atmosphere of two-way supervision and understanding, which shows the importance of digital health transformation.

In 2019, Dato’ Seri Noor Hisham, the Director of Health of our country, attended the 11th Southeast Asia and 8th Perak Primary Health Care Symposium in Ipoh, and published the topic “Digital Medical Transformation-Malaysia’s Way Forward” .

He pointed out that the Malaysian medical system needs to accelerate the digital transformation to make the medical system more accurate and efficient, so as to provide better medical services for the public. Therefore, the transformation of medical technology is inevitable in the future. In short, the digitalization of the medical system is definitely a good thing for the people of our country. Especially now that our country is still dealing with the new crown epidemic, the new government should put the health of the people first and accelerate the transformation of digital medical care.

Finally, taking advantage of the Chinese Lunar New Year (the Year of the Rabbit), which falls in the first lunar month, I would like to wish the readers of this newspaper a new year, and wish all readers in the new year:“The Year of the Rabbit is auspicious, the ears of the rabbit are soaring, the movement is like a rabbit, the work is comfortable, everything is satisfactory, and every year is happy!”

(Guangming Daily/Doctor Column‧Author: Huang Xueqian)


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