[Doctors talk freely.Guan Xin Ji]The Pursuit of Happiness: Medicine

[Doctors talk freely.Guan Xin Ji]The Pursuit of Happiness: Medicine


“If some external things can bring comfort and joy to the body and mind, they will definitely experience changes in the body from time to time. If we can master the entire body and mind program, we will solve the problem of unhappiness once and for all!”

Find 4 Happy Chemicals

Psychologists believe that the index of happiness is the ratio of objective reality conditions and subjective expectations. Since conditions and expectations are constantly changing, it is impossible to obtain eternal happiness unless there is no expectation at all. However, such people with zero expectations are rare in the world, too rare. Even if other people can take the elixir of life, they are still unhappy, because those who can afford the elixir still worry about sudden and sudden death;

Although happiness is a feeling of psychological comfort and joy, most people need to rely on external things to make their hearts feel happy and thus physically comfortable. Obviously, this involves the brain, nervous system and biochemical reactions in our body. From this point of view, external things are constantly changing and unpredictable, but the biochemistry in the body can be controlled by drugs. Therefore, in the future, medicine will control the chemicals in the body, so that human beings can get continuous happiness!

When we come into contact with the outside world, such as seeing the lovely person we like, or eating a delicious meal, these information are transmitted from our five nerves to the brain through nerve lines, and an electrical storm is generated in the brain. The resulting electrical response, passing through the spinal synapses, releases biochemicals.

These chemicals can make the body feel comfortable. At present, the medical community has found four kinds of happy chemicals: serotonin (Serotonin), dopamine (Dopamine), endorphins (Endorphins) and oxytocin (Oxytocin).

These biochemicals, when released, make people feel emotional stability, self-satisfaction, joy, pain relief and positive psychological reactions. The problem is that the genes of sentient animals, in order to reproduce and continue to survive, can only make these chemicals disappear soon after they are produced, and cannot stay in the body for a long time.

When a young and strong man has an intimate relationship with his partner, a large amount of chemicals are produced in his body, which makes him feel pleasure. This is because human genes require him to have children and carry on the family line. He will relish the pleasure and want to have an intimate relationship next time. It’s just that after the work is done, the chemicals will naturally disappear quickly, otherwise the young man will continue to engage in such activities without eating or sleeping, and his health will be problematic.

In addition, the way humans release chemicals is also similar to that of automatic air conditioners. Although there are occasional changes, they gradually stabilize. People with a cheerful personality encounter life difficulties, setbacks in chemical production, and temporarily feel unhappy, but then automatically resume production lines, and the sadness does not last long, and vice versa.

Many people want to pursue continuous happiness

The medical community developed the first generation of antidepressant drugs in the 1950s, which released serotonin in the body, and the patient’s condition improved as a result. If we could release all the happy chemicals in a sustained manner, wouldn’t humans be pain-free? If everyone took it, we would be content with our current situation even if we were poor, wouldn’t the society remain stable? There are no crimes such as robbery, murder, and deception. Isn’t this Guotai Minan?

Dear readers, if you had this elixir, would you take it? Worried about side effects? If we can overcome these problems, will you take it long-term? No matter your answer is yes or no, the future of medicine will definitely move in this direction. There will always be people who want to take it for a long time. After all, continuous happiness is what many people want to pursue!

If you don’t feel that taking drugs is the ultimate way to find happiness, then we have to find happiness in other ways. In the next article, we will use a philosophical approach to seek continuous happiness, don’t miss it!

(Guangming Daily/Doctor Column‧Author: Chen Changci)


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